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''I literally have no idea why you wanted to meet here to go to Louis' house.'' Niall said and Harry rolled his eyes.

''I've told you, that I don't want to be alone with Louis.''

''His friends are there too.'' the Irish lad rolled his eyes.

''What if they hadn't been there yet? I didn't wanna risk anything.'' Harry told him and Niall sighed, leaning over and rang the doorbell. After a while, a young man opened the door and Harry assumed it was one of Louis' best friends, Stan. Harry gave him a small smile, trying not to seem too awkward.

''Hi, Niall.'' the boy said and Niall gave him a brief hug.

''Hey, mate. This is Harry, by the way.'' he introduced him and Harry gave him a friendly wave at him.

''I'm Stan. Come in.'' Stan said and let them in. Harry had been to Louis' house before, so he knew where the living room was. There, was Zayn and another one of Louis' friends playing fifa on Louis' Xbox and Louis sitting on one of the armchairs and with that girl from the lockers on his fucking lap. What the actual fuck? 

''Niall! Haz!'' Zayn said, pausing the game and hugged both of them. Harry smiled at him and shook hands with Louis' other friend, Luke. Harry knew he was familiar, 'cause he was playing on the football team. 

''Hello, lads.'' Louis told them, not even bothering to stand up and greet the properly. 

What a jerk.

''I'm Hannah.'' the girl said, standing up and walked towards Harry, offering him her hand. Harry gave her a small smile and shook her hand. She greeted Niall too, before going back to her seat. On Louis' lap. 

''Harry, please tell me you can play better fifa than Zayn.'' Luke said, handing Harry a Xbox control and Harry smiled at, sitting on the coach. Stan sat next to him, while Niall and Zayn went to the opposite one, chatting. 

''I'll see what I can do.'' Harry smiled at him, starting the game. 

''How do you know Louis?'' Stan asked and Louis looked at the younger boy, who had his eyes glued on the screen, teeth on his bottom lip and Louis was actually intrigued to hear what the boy had to say. 

''Oh, yeah, we just have English together and we started talking a bit and that's basically it.'' Harry shrugged, tongue poking out of his pressed lips, as he tried to score. 

''Yes!'' he said, standing up, once he scored and threw his hands up in victory. 

''It's only half time. Don't get your hopes up.'' Luke told him and Harry sat back down, smirking. 

''Usually no one can beat Luke. Oh my God, this is fun.'' Stan said, squeezing Harry's shoulder and the green-eyed boy smiled. 

''This is considered good? Harry plays shit today.'' Niall said and Harry threw him a brief glance. 

''Go and fuck yourself.'' he mumbled.

''Okay, next match me and Niall.'' Stan said and Niall nodded. 

''You're on, mate.'' 

The game ended 2-1, Harry winning and he got up doing a silly dance in front of Luke, making the other four boys giggle along with Hannah and Louis just smiled at him. Harry sat next to Zayn, smirking at Luke. 

''I win in real life anyways.'' Luke shrugged and everyone laughed. 

''Come on, Luke, stop being lame. Admit that you can't even win at fifa.'' Louis said and they all chuckled with Luke flipping him off. 

''So Harry, where do you wanna go to college.'' Hannah asked him suddenly and Harry pressed his lips into a thin line. Oxford, of course. However, he didn't wanna jinx it, so lately, he wasn't telling people what he actually wanted. 

''I don't know yet. I like psychology and law, but I haven't chosen what school I want. How about you?" Harry asked her politely.

''I got into Manchester and I want journalism.'' she told him and Harry smiled at her. 

''That's great. Manchester is such a good school, my sister goes there.'' Harry told her and she nodded. 

''That's great! I'm glad, because I am so excited to go there.'' she replied and Harry gave her another grin. Harry chewed on his bottom lip, looking at the screen, while Zayn cheered for Niall. 

''Jesus, I am one of your best friends and you don't even support me.'' Stan groaned. 

''I don't support you either, 'cause you were on Harry's side before.'' Luke told him and Harry giggled. 

''Oh come on! I need some psychological support.'' Stan cried out.

''I can be your cheerleader.'' Harry stood up and Zayn whistled, clapping. 

''Okay, give me a 'S'.'' Harry said, moving his hands and everyone cheered 'S'.

''Give me a 'T'.''  

''Give me an 'A'.'' 

''Give me a 'N'.''

''What does that give us?'' Harry said and everyone screamed 'Stan'.

''That was a good push, Harry, thanks.'' Stan chuckled and Harry took his seat back. 

''All that cheering went wasted, because...'' Niall said and pushed a button, scoring. Everyone cheered except for Stan and Harry. 

''Hug?'' Harry said and Stan fell in his arms, pretending to cry on his shoulder and everyone laughed. 

''So, final is Harry and Niall?'' Stan said. 

''No, I wanna play against Niall. Show him who's the real one.'' Zayn said. 

''Yeah, alright. I wanna use the bathroom, anyways.'' Harry said, standing up and turned to look at Louis, asking for his permission and the blue-eyed man nodded. 

''Do you remember where it is?'' he asked him and Harry shook his head positive. He climbed the stairs and headed towards the bathroom. Once he had done his business, he flushed the toilet and washed his hands. He looked at himself in the mirror, bottom lip trapped between his teeth and he tried not to think about that girl Hannah. The thing was that she was so pretty and Harry wasn't as gorgeous as her. Back there in the lockers, he didn't take a good look at her, because she was literally sucking faces with Louis. She had long blonde and ocean blue eyes. She was pretty tall and thin and basically, the perfect, barbie doll girl and Harry, well, he wasn't. He wasn't a girl, he wasn't crazy tall, he didn't have blue eyes and basically, he was the opposite. 

He ran a hand through his curls and pouted a bit, before he got out of the bathroom. He looked around the empty hallway and saw that Louis' bedroom door was open and he decided to take a small peek, no idea why. 

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