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''So you started calling each other names and you kissed him?'' Niall asked over the phone confused and Harry buried himself deeper in the tub.


''And the reason is because...?'' Niall said, waiting for Harry to elaborate. Harry sighed and pressed his head against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall.

''I don't know. I just wanted to overpower him somehow, like show him that he wants me. Like, I'm the one rejecting him and not the other way around.''

''Harry, dude, you're fucking obsessing over this and it's weird, lad. Who gives a shit if Louis wants to fuck you or not. You're wasting your time with him, when you've said that you don't like him at all.'' Niall sighed and Harry pressed his lips into a thin line, tears brimming in his eyes.

''I fucking hate this. I feel like a piece of shit, to be fair.''

''Come on, Haz. Okay, once that whole dinner thing is over, text me and we can meet up for gelato or something, we'll talk then.'' Niall said from the other line and Harry bid him goodbye. He threw his head back, sighing when there was a knock on the door.

''Come in.'' he mumbled, getting up from the tub and Anne looked at him, confused.

''Why were you laying in the bath.''

''I was just on the phone with Niall.''

''Well, we're all waiting for you to start eating and I was starting to get worried. Are you alright?'' she asked and Harry simply nodded, going back in the dining room.


The dinner was one of the most awkward ones in Harry's life and he was just quietly munching on his salad, his stomach twisted in knots. Louis was glaring at him throughout the dinner and it seemed like the adults noticed, so they just focused on a conversation of their own.

Louis seemed mad and Harry kind of justified his anger. He had regretted what he did and it was very much uncool of himself to leave Louis high and dry like that. He was just desperate to 'hurt' Louis in some way. He wanted Louis to feel like he felt when he was ignored or when the blue-eyed boy called him a 'bitch' repeatedly. It was just so fucking unfair of Louis to treat him like that and Harry did not fucking get it. How can someone who supposedly likes or liked you (even when it wasn't in a romantic way), treat you like that in the blink of an eye.

It just hurt to see someone with so much rage in their eyes and knowing that you were the cause for it.

After almost two hours the dinner was over and the Tomlinson family was ready to leave and Anne shook their hands again, saying that they should do it again and Harry simply stared at Louis, who gave him a glance, before saying goodbye to Anne.

Once the door closed and they were gone, Harry helped his mother clean everything up in the dining room, he texted Niall if they could meet up at the park close to their school in half an hour.

''Okay, baby. Just be home before midnight.'' she kissed his cheek and Harry nodded.


''Haz, just ignore him or whatever. Keeping him hooked around you even when you don't want him. It's kinda toxic, mate.'' Niall told him and Harry sighed.

''I'm not trying to keep him hooked or whatever. I'm just trying to show him that it's my choice that he can't have me. Like, I reject him, not the other way around.''

''That's stupid, because Louis never rejected you. You got your wish ,Harry, he stopped talking to you. Now you're just playing with him, torturing both him and yourself-'' Niall said, but he was cut off by some voices a few meters away.

''Okay, so he just kissed you?''

Harry immediately realized that it was Zayn's voice and he assumed that they were talking about him and Louis was there too. He pushed Niall behind a bush and they both hid in there, hearing Louis and Zayn's conversation.

''Yeah, he just came up to me and kissed me and I kissed him back, because of course, I am such an idiot that would believe that he kissed me because he liked me and yeah. I'm such a fucking idiot, shit.'' Louis sighed and Niall looked at Harry, who did the same.

''Mate, I don't even know what to tell you, at this point.''

''Me neither. Out of all the people in our school or even in this fucking town or freaking England, I had to like the person, who will never like me back. Maybe it's karma, you know? Getting what I deserve for sleeping around.'' Louis said, letting out a humorless laugh at the end.

''I dunno, babe. But I do think that Harry acted like a jerk. I mean, I thought it was cool, if he didn't wanna talk to you, that was his choice, but doing all that? Kinda nasty, man.'' Zayn said, shaking his head in disapproval of Harry's action and Louis took a drag of the cigarette he was smoking.

''And on the way home me mum was like I thought you liked Harry and I just told her that it was a phase and that we stopped talking and she seemed kind of disappointed? l don't know, she really liked Harry, though. I think I make this a bigger deal in my head than it actually is.'' Louis sighed and Niall's jaw literally dropped to the floor.

''He told his fucking mum about you? He's in deep.'' Niall said and Harry turned again to look at the two dark figures a few meters away with a sad expression in his face.

''Did you hear that?'' Zayn asked and Harry covered Niall's mouth with his hand. Zayn got up from the bench and looked around.

''It's just some kids. Whatever.'' Louis brushed him off.

''It sounded like Niall's accent.'' Zayn insisted.

''Now we're hearing Horan's voice everywhere, aren't we?'' Louis joked.

''Fuck off.'' Zayn said, playfully, stepping closer towards the bush Harry and Niall were hiding.

''I'm just saying that lately it has been 'Niall did this, Niall said that, Niall is sooo funny'.'' Louis said, faking a girly voice and Zayn walked closer to him, kicking him in the shin.

''You little bitch.'' he said, pulling him into a headlock.

Niall and Harry looked at each other shocked.

''Does Zayn like you?'' Harry whisper-yelled.

''I don't know!'' Niall said a bit louder.

''Now, I heard that.'' Louis said, mid-fight and walked towards the bushes.

''Well, hello.'' he said, staring at Harry and Niall.

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