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''How come you changed your mind?'' Louis asked him.

''Yesterday, you looked at me, while kissing Hannah and I felt weird, like I was so jealous for some reason. At English, all I could think about was you kissing her and the fact that I was so, so jealous. I wanted to be the one you kissed and stuff. And when I came to your house, I was surprised to see her there and I thought it was serious between you two and got disappointed, I guess. I felt guilty, you know? 'Cause I felt like I didn't have the right, since I was the one that didn't wanna be with you. You had this rumor going around about being the bad boy and I hated you because of Middle school and I was confused when you started talking to me, 'cause you weren't a jerk and I kind of liked you, but I didn't wanna act on it, in case you were actually a jerk. I turned out to be that jerk.'' Harry pouted at him and Louis gave him a small smile. It was kind of awkward and full of sorry's and Harry did not want him to give him smiles like this. He wanted to see Louis at him with sparkly eyes again. 

''I'm sorry.'' Louis told him and Harry frowned. 

''I'm sorry. I was the one, who treated you badly and made you not like me. I mean, I get it, I would be confused too and I would hate me too, to be honest.'' he replied, shaking his head a bit, as if he was more disappointed at himself. 

''No, Lou, you apologized so many times and I was a proper asshole to you.'' he said and cupped Louis' cheek, a small frown on his face. He leaned in and kissed him on the lips with tenderness and Louis wrapped his arms around his waist, placing small kisses on the corner of his mouth afterwards. Harry smiled a bit, but opened his mouth to say something, but Louis kissed him again to shut him up.

''Let's just forget about this. I don't care, anymore. I like you way too much to think about those things in the past anymore, yeah?'' Louis told him and Harry nodded, giving him a small smile. Louis kissed him on the forehead. 

''So, what are we watching?'' Louis asked and Harry got off his lap and grabbed the remote control, but Louis took his hand and pulled a surprised Harry back on his lap. Harry smiled, kissing him, and focused back on the TV, trying to find something to watch. Louis supported his chin on Harry's shoulder, not even bothering to look at the TV, eyes focused on the soft skin of Harry's neck and all he wanted was to nibble on it and kiss it. 

''What do you wanna watch?'' Harry asked him, going through the shows on Netflix. He turned his head a bit to look at Louis.

''Sorry, what did you say?'' Louis told him. 

''What do you wanna watch?'' he asked again and Louis shrugged. 

''Oh, I don't mind, whatever you want.'' he mumbled and pressed his face against his shoulder, breathing him in and Harry laid against his chest. 

''Do you mind?'' he asked Louis, looking up a bit at him. The blue-eyed boy smiled at him, kissing his cheek and run his hand through his curls. 

''Not one bit.'' he told him and Harry pressed play on 'Friends' and placed his head on Louis' chest, his attention on the TV. Louis had his nose buried in Harry's curls, hands running up and down Harry's arms. The young boy leaned into the touch, content, but did not say anything. 


''We have ice cream, yay!'' Harry cheered, grabbing two spoons and closed the drawer with his hips, going back to the kitchen, where Louis was half laying on the couch, clenching at his stomach. 

''I'm literally dying. Why did you make me eat so much?'' Louis whined, squirming around helplessly. Harry sat next him, pulling Louis' head on his lap and ran his fingers through his featherly soft hair. 

''Sorry, I thought you could handle it.'' Harry pouted at him.

''How can you eat ice scream after all this food?'' Louis asked and Harry shrugged.

''I love, love Chinese, but we never have it often, because my mum doesn't like it. So, whenever I have the chance, I eat as much as I want. Plus, I have a super fast metabolism, thank God, and I'm used to it. Do you need any soda?'' Harry said, eating a spoonful of chocolate mint ice cream. Louis groaned and squeezed his eyes shut.

''No, I'll just die here.'' he mumbled and Harry chuckled a little, setting the ice cream on the coffee table, along with the half-eaten spring rolls and Louis' noodles. Harry kept tugging a bit at the ends of Louis' hair or run his fingers through it. 

''Sorry.'' Harry bit his lower lip.

''It's not like you forced me to eat. I just thought that I could handle it. I'll be fine.'' Louis smiled, reassuringly at him and Harry gave him a small nod, not really convinced. After not even twenty minutes, Louis noticed that Harry had fallen asleep after a while, his fingers still in his hair, head tilted against the couch cushion and Louis couldn't help but coo at the younger boy. He helped Harry lie on the couch fully, so he was more comfortable and then got up. He gathered all of the leftovers and papers from their fast food and threw them in the trash. Harry was still asleep on the couch, snoring softly and Louis smiled fondly at him. 


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