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Louis led Harry to the storage room for the sport equipment and immediately pressed him against the wall. Harry pulled him down by his T-Shirt and smashed their lips together. Louis smiled against his lips and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Harry buried his fingers in Louis' soft hair and Louis ran his tongue over Harry's bottom lip and bit it a bit, making him hum in content, opening his mouth a bit. Louis slid his tongue in, pushing his against Harry's and the green-eyed boy moan a bit. 

''Missed you.'' Louis mumbled against his lips and Harry grinned. 

''You saw me two hours ago.'' 

''Too long.'' Louis said and Harry smiled, biting his lower lip, before kissing him again. Louis lifted Harry a bit and Harry pulled away from Louis' lips and blinked at him, confused. 

''You are pretty light, indeed.'' he confirmed. Harry slapped his shoulder playfully, giggling and Louis set him down. He grabbed a bag full of football balls and kissed Harry one more time, before opening the door and waiting for Harry to exit first. 

''What are you doing here, anyways?'' he asked him and Louis smirked. 

''Coach called me to teach y'all some footie tricks. Plus, I had history, which is shit.'' Louis told him, as they approached the other and Harry let out a small laugh. 

''I'm shit at sports, so...'' 

''Figured.'' Louis told him and handed coach the balls. Harry simply glared at him and went with the rest of his class. 

''What's up with you and Louis?'' Sarah, one of his friends asked and Harry shrugged. 

''We've been hangin out.'' he replied. 

''He's a jerk. One of my friends, Jake, hooked up with him a couple of months ago and he said he'd call him and that he genuinely liked him and flashnews, he never called.'' she told him, shaking her head, while glaring at Louis, who was explaining how to kick a ball properly to everyone. Harry bit his lower lip in thought, before turning to his friend. 

''There's nothing going on between him and me. We're just friends.'' he explained and she gave him a good look, as if she didn't believe him. 

''Whatevs. Just be careful, babe.'' she told him and he nodded, focusing back on Louis. He was wearing his football uniform, the one he was wearing at the important games and Harry had to admit that he looked so fucking fine, right now. The long sleeved footie shirt was hugging his chest, waist and muscled biceps perfectly. His shorts showed off his bum and allowed his tan legs to be seen (it was the middle of November, how the hell was he so tan?). Harry couldn't help but pay attention at his toned thighs and his muscles calves and thought about his own body. Don't get Harry wrong, he loved his lanky body, his slim waist and his round thighs, because he knew he looked great in the clothes he wore. However, it was funny to think their body difference and their personalities. Louis was a sportsfreak, loved them like crazy. He went running almost every morning, was captain of the football team and was willing to participate in every sport activity at school and would hit the gym a couple of times a week. Harry, on the other hand, hated sports and avoided them like the plague. He'd rather spend his time differently, but he tried to eat healthy to keep in shape and he would walk to school. Sometimes, if he would feel extremely energetic and wanted to relax, he would do some yoga, using youtube videos. Yoga was fun and calming and he considered going to an actual yoga class a couple of times a week. 

''Alright, everyone. I think you've gotten the main idea, so let's see you play.'' Louis said, handing the ball to someone and everyone seperated in teams of two. Each couple got a ball and Harry went with Sarah. They started passing the ball back and forth to each other, until Harry noticed the coach approaching them. 

''Harry, you're genuinely the worst at this, oh my God.'' he said, sighing and Harry smiled apologetically. 

''I really suck at PE and sports, I'm so sorry.'' he told him. 

''You're gonna fail, if you don't get better.'' he said and Harry pouted a bit. He felt two hands on his sides and the familiar smell of aftershave. 

''I'll help you, come on.'' Louis said and he turned to look at the coach. 

''Be more careful, Styles.'' was all he said and walked to the other students. Harry sighed and turned around to face the blue-eyed man, who smiled at him and used his hands to position Harry's body properly. 

''Alright, just lean a bit and don't use the tip of your shoe to kick your ball, use the side. You just wanna pass her the ball, she's your teammate. Do it like this.'' Louis said and pretended to kick the ball. Harry nodded, before he copied whatever Louis just did and the ball went a few centimeters away from Sarah' feet. She kicked the ball back at Harry and it landed on Harry's feet. 

''That was good, Haz. Just keep it a bit more straight and you're good to go!'' Louis praised him, standing behind him and he had his hands on his shoulders. Harry loved the feeling of the warmth of his hands despite the fact that it was chill outside and Harry was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. 

''I'm not straight myself, don't expect much.'' Harry told him, making him let out a small chuckle and he kicked the ball, this time much better. 

''Alright, just keep doing this. This was so much better. Keep practising, yeah?'' Louis told him and the younger boy nodded. Louis walked to some other kids, in order to help them out and when Harry turned around, he faced Sarah's stare. 

''What?'' Harry asked, confused.

''You totally have the hots for him!''

''What if I do? You say it like it's the worst thing that could possibly happen!'' Harry defended himself, as they kept passing the ball at each other. 

''Just be careful, Harry.'' she shook her head and Harry groaned. 

''I have this under control.'' he insisted. 

''Sure.'' she rolled her eyes and Harry simply ignored her. 


A/N cringiest chapter in the history of wattpad fr

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