The First Date

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My phone rings and I run over to answer it. I quickly scanned the screen but it was an unknown number. "Hello?" I say as soon as I pick it up. I recognise the voice immediately. My mood brightens almost instantly at hearing Jon's voice. He's asking me out on a date.
I spend the next two hours getting myself ready and trying not to get anxious. We've decided to head to a beachside restaurant, which is a New Mexican place that I've been dying to try.

I'm freaking excited to be seeing Jon again and hopefully no one called Jordan be turning up to spoil our time together! I said to him that I'll meet him there at the restaurant in case the date goes to pot and I need to get away, although I'm hop...

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I'm freaking excited to be seeing Jon again and hopefully no one called Jordan be turning up to spoil our time together! I said to him that I'll meet him there at the restaurant in case the date goes to pot and I need to get away, although I'm hopeful that it'll go good.

This is my chosen outfit with a faux leather jacket to keep the cool chill out if it gets cold later on

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This is my chosen outfit with a faux leather jacket to keep the cool chill out if it gets cold later on. I just hope he thinks I look cute, I wonder what he'll be wearing.
As per usual, I arrive early so that I can get acclimatised to the surroundings before Jon arrives and I decide to order myself a drink while I wait. I'm sitting at the bar when I feel a tap on my shoulder, so I turn around and there's Jon standing right in front of me. "Hey sweetheart, you look so pretty!" He says as he greets me. I lean forward as he goes to give me a kiss on my cheek. "You look good, Jon." I give him the chance to order himself a drink.
The restaurant host comes over to us and tells us "your table is ready for you both, if you'd like to follow me." So I step off the bar stool and follow the host, with Jon on my tail. We walk outside on the patio to where the table is located. I couldn't have picked a better spot with views overlooking the city on one side and the beach views on the other.
We're on a table for two with an outdoor heater nearby. Jon pulls out the chair for me which I thank him for doing so. The host hands us both menus and informs us that they'll be back shortly to take our order.

 The host hands us both menus and informs us that they'll be back shortly to take our order

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"I'm so glad that we can meet properly and maybe get to know each other better." Seeing him sitting opposite me looking all handsome, really is making me smile so much. "Me too, Jon. I'd really like to get to know you more. So, what have you been doing since I last saw you?" I ask him. He talks about band commitments, filming for his own tv show and spending time with his family. I learn some more about his siblings. When he asks me about my family, I tell him about them. "Seeing as we're here on a date; first of many I hope, I'm guessing you're not seeing anyone?" His questions throws me off a little but I'm honest with him when I tell him that I'm single. I decide to question him about his dating history, "I've been on many dates and seen different people but nothing serious. I am hoping for something more serious now though, someone who isn't going to sell me out to the tabloids like one of my exes did. I was really upset when they did that because I wasn't expecting it and they said things that weren't true about me." I go to reach for his hand to gently caress it to soothe him as I can tell reliving this about his ex is hard for him and I want him to know that he's okay. I have no plans on selling him out to the press, that's not my style.

The host returns to take our order. I decide on the chicken quesadilla with Mexican rice and Jon orders vegetable enchilada also with rice. We order a selection of starters to share. A band start playing in the far corner. They play traditional Mexican folk music, and they sound really good. There's a little space near where they are playing which I assume restaurant clientele would start dancing along. Me and Jon discuss our music preferences, and it seems like we like similar artists.

The food is soon brought to us and oh my goodness, I can't wait to devour it

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The food is soon brought to us and oh my goodness, I can't wait to devour it. We accidentally touch hands as we help ourselves to the different foods. He picks something up with his hands and goes to feed it to me to try it. I'm not sure what it is but the flavour hits as soon as it touches my tongue. "It's so good, right babe?! I can't help but moan at the sheer taste. He chuckles.

Conversation flows easily between the two of us as we learn more about each other

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Conversation flows easily between the two of us as we learn more about each other. There's something about him that just makes me feel instantly relaxed and comfortable in his presence. I hope he feels the same too.
"Oh you telling me, can't we get a date without interruption!" Jon suddenly mumbles, loudly enough that I can hear him; feeling a little confused. My confusion doesn't last long when I soon realise why Jon is suddenly looking annoyed. "Hey up guys! Fancy seeing you both here." I look straight in the eyes of Jordan. I sigh. "Jordan, what are you doing here, bro? Can't you see I'm on a date?!" I watch as Jon runs his fingers through his mop of hair suddenly wishing I was his hair. "When you said you were bringing this cutie here, I thought I'd try it out myself." His smile disappears as he looks at my expression. "Maybe you should go and plan your own date with Katie?!" Jon nods in agreement. "Yeah, that's what he said he was going to do. Jordan, let me talk to you privately for a moment. Please excuse me briefly while I send this douche bag on his way, feel free to order some more drinks, baby." He leans down to kiss me on the forehead and pushes his stupid brother away to chat to him.
When Jon came back, we were able to enjoy our desserts and drinks in peace. He continually apologised for his brother's unexpected arrival. I'm honoured when he asked me to dance to the band which was fun.
We enjoyed a little walk on the beach where we share our first kiss. It was soft and sweet. I couldn't ask for a better date than I have tonight with Jon, apart from Jordan turning up and finally getting to experience what it's like to kiss him. Wow, at least I know he definitely likes me.

He made sure I got home safely and promised to take me on a second date

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He made sure I got home safely and promised to take me on a second date. Hopefully where we have no interruptions unless we want other people to join us. Can't wait to see him again soon.

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