'You sure he wasn't a spawn of him?'

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"AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" *spillage of tea* - #001, 'Nezu'

"Pinky promise?" - Izuku Midoriya, 'Me'

"Gasp! My tea!" - #001, 'Nezu'


A/N: Soo... it's been like a year. I'm still working on personal issues, so updates probably still won't be all that frequent or anything. But, aside from that, welcome back from to this story after a very very long hiatus. Updates will not be frequent as I am not enjoying writing much since my dad passed. 

(Izuku's P.O.V)

I sighed as #001 pulled out his chess set- 'wait no! Nezu! Gotta remember that' I thought to myself. I whipped out my notebook from thin air and sped through the pages, stopping at a seemingly random page. "We have a score of 236-145, you being in the lead a per usual." I said as I slammed the book shut and put it back from who knows where. Nezu looked at me "You kept track?" he asked with a smile. "You expected otherwise?" I retorted with a raised eyebrow. "Never! It's just been so long." he said as he turned back to his somehow perfectly set up chess set.

I hummed in agreement as I made the first move, moving my first pawn. He looked slightly confused "You have never chosen that before, have you practiced? Oh who am I kidding, of course you did!" he mumbled to himself as he too moved a pawn.

-Time skip to an hour later'

(Narrator's P.O.V)

They were intensely staring at their game of chess, when a nurse opened the door. Both of them slowly looked up at the nurse with a sadistic smile as the continued their game, never once looking back at their pieces. The nurse froze, slowly, the nurse closed the door and ran from the room in pure terror. They both slowly looked at each other before bursting out laughing and cackling together.

(Aizawa's P.O.V)

Just as I laid in my bed I felt a shiver down my spine. 'Nezu.. he's cackling during a chess match, again, isn't he?' I thought to myself as I felt another shiver, this one however, was new. 'We're all doomed.' I thought as I tossed around in my bed, knowing the end was near for all.

(Back to Izuku's P.O.V)

'YESS!!! I BEAT THE BASTARD!!!' I thought to myself in triumph as my eyes glittered unnaturally. "That is 236-146, good game old friend" I said nodding my head. It had been years since we played chess, and I won the first game.. something was wrong. "Nezu, do tell, what is going on. Cut the formalities. You went easy on me, didn't you?" I said with a sigh. He nodded "Yes.. but I figured I would let you have a win considering what is coming up." he remarked with a sigh of his own as the chess set disappeared behind him. He lightly tipped his head towards the door where there was another detective another few nurses and doctors. I hummed in acknowledgement, but did not draw attention to noticing.

 'I knew it, something is wrong.' I thought to myself. 'Wait.. of course! He told me earlier, and I forgot. Well- he didn't TELL me, but I understood. This cannot be good' I continued to think to myself. "Alright.. I'll do it. But keep them away if I understand correctly, which we both know that I do." I said in a grumble, 'I am not thrilled about this..' I thought with a huff. "I will do my best, but for now we need to address the issue of power. How many?" He asked in a dark voice. I glowered "Lost track after a stamina increase, but there weren't many after that. I remember nine, but there were definitely more." I said in a low upset voice. I shuddered slightly just thinking about it.

He nodded and sighed "Apologies for bringing up such a morbid topic, but the nurses an detectives were very adamant about knowing. I tried to WARN THEM!!! But no one ever listens to the rat!." He huffed out pointing out the obvious existence of a different detective and several doctors and nurses. He began cackling and I soon joined, accidentally activating a quirk making a few nurses scream. I shocked myself still and stopped laughing, affectively stopping the quirk and the effect. "Oops- well, that's one." I said slightly sheepishly, not sure how to apologize. "A little bit psycho, don't you think?" A nurse whispered to the doctor next to her. I dropped my head in shame, 'Already messing things up..' I thought to myself in light despair.

(Nezu's P.O.V)

Hearing that nurse say that made me tense, 'how DARE that say such about a clear abuse victim. Let alone my greatest friend.' I thought to myself. I glared at the nurse, I slightly smile "Says the nurse whispering rather negatively about a young teen who just escaped their kidnapper of about a decade. Sounds rather.. hypocritical. Don't you think so? Especially of a nurse already overflowing with personal issues. Shall I start naming some? Fraud, grand theft, even attempted assault of a minor. May I continue?" I said with a chuckle, staring at her.

The nurse froze and slowly backed away "S-sorry.. ahem! Err, my apologies." she grumbled and shuffled behind another nurse. I nodded in temporary glee, 'I'll finish with her later' I thought as I looked at my friend. "There is nothing psychotic about losing control of a quirk in a moment of weakness. Especially at such a young age." I said nodding toward him. He sighed and raised his head with a reluctant nod. "Fair enough.. my apologies for getting out of control." He said as he pushed himself as far as he could away from the people. 'Not the best way to be introduced to humans again right after escaping such imbeciles.' I thought, dropping my shoulders at the sight of my friend. "EraserHead will be hear in a few hours. He will be 'explaining' your new living arrangements. I brought fresh clothes, and patient showers are down the hall. Last door on the right." I told him as I hopped off the chair I was on. "You will see me soon, old friend." I said as I walked out of the hospital room, glaring at the nurse who dared to insult my friend.

(1039 words!)

A/N: Hey, it's been over a year! I've lost a good deal of interest in writing, so update frequency will be spastic and based on whims. The information page was updated along with this new chapter. I hope you enjoy and continue reading as it is updated. Stay safe, and have a good day/night! -Abel

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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