3: Red Wedding Was Worse

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POV: Bob

After the awkward silence at the rehearsal dinner, I went outside, said 'Shazam' and took to the sky. I ended up on the top of a building and slept there, as Shockcharge.

Once day broke out, I flew to the West house, said 'Shazam' and got into my tux. Once done, I made way to the wedding. Once I got there, I found Lena watching Kara, who seemed kind of worried.

"Lena? What are you doing?"

Lena jumped at my voice and turned to me.

"I-- Uh--" she said before she sighed. "We're at a wedding and there stands my best friend, and I can't help but wonder about another possible wedding."

"Oh, I see. Your best friend, that you have a not-so-secret crush on."

"Shut up, let's just go inside."


I followed Lena inside, but before we could, Kara stopped us.

"Have either of you seen Alex?" She asked.

"The last time I saw her, she was sharing several drinks with Sara." I answered.

"Don't worry, Kara. I'm sure she's fine." Lena said as she saw something behind Kara.

I followed Lena's gaze and saw Alex walking towards us, wearing a big pair of sunglasses.

Is she hungover?

Kara turned and saw her sister, and Lena and I made our way in.

"Welcome to the West/Allen Wedding, can I show you to your seat? Are you here for the bride or groom?" A woman with a clipboard and earpiece asked us.

"Groom." I answered.

The woman motioned us along and we took our seats.

As we waited for the wedding to start, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the groom talking to a waitress. What was weird was that the waitress had that same quirky nervousness that Barry has. It seemed that she knew Barry but not the other way around.

Hm. Is she a distant family member or something? Oh well.

Then the music started to play and Kara took the stage.

The entire time Kara sang, I noticed Lena's eyes never left her. Even when Iris entered the room and everyone stood. She had this loving gaze upon the blonde. But I also noticed that within the massive amount of love behind her eyes, I could see pain.

"Everyone, please be seated." The Minister said.

Once everyone sat down, the minister continued.

"Welcome to you all." He continued. "I am honored to presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match. How do I know that? Well... Because of you because of all of you. Looking out at their friends and family..." I looked around as he said that and noticed Mick Rory was fast asleep, I let out a quiet chuckle before returning my gaze to the minister. "...and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them, tells me everything I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled. And they deserve a long life together. And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Just then, a blue laser came from above and the minister was completely disintegrated.

I guess they had just cause.

Everyone turned around and saw something very unexpected. Nazis. Several soldiers, but also two hooded figures, one with a bow and the other with swords. There was also a woman floating above that kind of reminded me of Kara. And there was someone that did scare me. He was big and had red skin all over. Shirtless, and an upside down star on his chest. He had horns on his head. I knew who this guy was thanks to the wizard who gave me my powers. Sabbac.

"Peace is overrated." The Nazi Supergirl said.

I hate Nazis.

Bullets started to fly and Barry and Wally ran into action to protect the guests.

So much for secret identities.

"SHAZAM!" I shouted. A bolt of lightning came from the sky and through the roof and struck me, turning me into Shockcharge.

"Get everybody out of here!" Kara shouted.

Kara herself sped Lena out of the building and came back in.

"Shazam, you're mine." Sabbac said and pointed at me.

"Ok." I shot myself to him, crashing us out the front window. I hit him hard and flew back a little bit, before flying back and hitting me. I crashed into a car.

"Sorry." I said to the guy on his phone with his keys out, staring at me and his broken car.

"My car!"

I shot in the air and shot a massive bolt of lightning at the red demon. He shot fire from his chest, and our beams collided. But Sabbac ended his beam and moved just in time for my lightning to fly past him. He flew back to me and tried to hit me, but this time I moved out of the way.

As I turned to watch him fly past me, I could see Supergirl and Nazi Supergirl shooting their heat vision at each other.

So cool.

But Sabbac took advantage of my distraction and hit me. I flew back but, flew at me too and grabbed me by the throat and threw me down back at the church. I flew through the roof just as Oliver jumped into a breach and began fighting Nazi Arrow. Sabbac flew in slowly above me.

"You'll never win, Shazam." He said, giving me an idea.

Thankfully, the demon was right above me, so I had a good shot.


The bolt of lightning hit Sabbac, sending him flying back, just as Kara flew through the roof and Nazi Supergirl behind her.

"Stay down." Nazi Supergirl ordered.

Kara quickly turned and clapped her hands really hard. Nazi Supergirl fell over in pain. Everyone's ears were ringing afterwards, all the glass shattered. When Nazi Supergirl tried to get back up, Kara punched her in the chest. NS flew back and grunted the entire way.

"No!" Nazi Arrow shouted before jumping off the balcony. He picked her up and put her on his shoulder. "Fall back. Everybody fall back!"

He threw something down on the ground and a bright light emitted from it, blinding us for a second to cover their escape.

After the light dissipated, everyone was checking on everyone.

"Best wedding ever." Mick said.

"Eh, still beats Red Wedding." I added.

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