5: Reflections

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POV: Bob

I landed and saw Kara and Barry looking kind of bored. They looked around for a moment, Kara started to whistle a little bit. Then we heard a motorcycle approaching.

"Just a quick reminder, super-speed, I don't have it." Oliver said once he got off his bike.


"So what do we know about this place?" Barry asked. "Why are the Earth X'ers targeting it?"

"Because..." Dark Arrow answered as he, Overgirl, A yellow Flash, and a guy wearing a black leather trench coat, pants, boots, and gloves, also wearing the same mask Arrow and Overgirl had on. He was actually dressed like the Nazi soldiers, except he wasn't wearing a helmet like the rest. He had black hair that ran down to his shoulders. The yellow Flash was holding some sort of box. "They had something we need."

"Whatever you stole." Oliver started.

"We're gonna want it back." Barry finished.

"Your confidence is predictable." Dark Arrow responded. "You've faced some of the greatest evils know to man, and you've defeated them, but if you think so highly of yourselves that you can defeat any threat that comes your way..." Then all of their masks disappeared. "How do you feel about us?" Nazi Oliver finished.

Standing across from me, the guy in the trench coat, when his mask disappeared, I instantly recognized him. It was me. Overgirl was Kara. Dark Arrow was Oliver. And the yellow Flash was Harry Wells.

"Wait! I'm a Nazi!" I shouted in despair.

"No, no, no. I am, but you are held back by weakness and centament." Nazi Me responded.

"No. I'm a Nazi. I hate Nazis. Fuck!" I said, not fully getting that he's my doppelganger.

"No." Nazi Me said, a bit confused and annoyed. "I'm your doppelganger. You're not a Nazi. I am!"

"Oh come on. When do I go all Nazi? Do I lose the lottery or something? Do I just start to spiral out of control? COME ON! TELL ME!" I shouted, almost in tears.

Nazi Me just gave me a dumb founded look.

"Dude. What the fuck?" He asked.

"This is sick." Oliver said.

"Do you mean looking at your reflection and seeing only weakness? I agree."

"I'm looking in my reflection, and all I see is fucking idiot." Nazi Me said, with his hand over his eyebrow and the other hand on his waist.


"Thawne?' Barry asked.

"Direct from Earth 1. Do you like my face?" Yellow Flash asked.

"It's the face you were wearing when I became the Flash."

"I thought I'd put it on again. You know, for old time's sake. Plus, handsome." Thawne said.

"I watched you die." Barry said.

"Or did you? It's time travel, Barry. So confusing."


"I always seem to be saying that to you, don't I?"

"Tommy killed himself." Oliver said.

"I heard your Tommy died years ago. That's what this Earth does. It makes people soft."

"Or apparently makes them fucking brain dead." Nazi Me said as he gestured to me.


"We've been watching you. We've been watching all of you and how you've squandered the potential of 2 worlds. On our Earth, we've developed a meritocracy. We've accomplished greatness." Overgirl said.

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