1: Visiting the Boss

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POV: Bob

I walked into Catco after everyone else left, everyone but my boss, Lena Luthor. Usually Kara Danvers is the one to get her out of the office and get some sleep. But Ms. Danvers is dealing with a broken heart at the moment. Her ex-boyfriend, who she thought died, came back from the future and guess what, the bastard's married. Weird times. Usually it's Kara who comes by to the CEO working late at night, but since she has been in her depressed state, thanks to the Harbinger of Doom and Despair that is Mon-Hell, I came instead. The thing is when Kara visits Lena, she usually brings food. I am not Kara. I brought nothing.


Right, introductions. My name is Robert Star. But you can call me Bob. I am a superhero. You can call me Shockcharge. Long story on my powers though. I am not an alien, but people have called me strange. Anywho, my day job is as the head of security at L-Corp. And unlike Kara, I wear glasses because I need them, I can barely see without them. My best friend is actually Jess. Anyway, where were we? Catco. Broken heart. Sleep. Bastard. Oh right! My visit to my boss.


I walked into the main complex and saw Lena working on her computer behind the glass door. I knocked on it, she didn't seem to hear me, so I just opened it and sat in a seat in front of her. Still didn't notice me. How does Kara deal with Lena's one track mind? So finally I put my feet on her desk, rather loudly. Lena jumped and then looked at me.


"Hi Lena!" I said with a shit eating grin. "You do realize it's 11 right?"

"Yes, I am aware. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I just got off about an hour ago. Ready for my vacation, with an extra day. And I decided to pay you a visit. Especially since Kara won't be making the rounds this time. And I will probably go on patrol as well." I explained.

"How is she?" Lena asked, truly worried about her kryptonian best friend and not-so-secret crush.

"As well as someone can get when they learn their love is alive and married to someone else."

"Right. Mon-el." When she said the Daxamite's name, her voice was laced with venom and hatred.

"Anyway, I am hoping Kara actually takes some time off and goes to the wedding." I said.


"Yeah, why do you think I have a week off?"

"You're going with her?"

"No, well, not really. Are we both going? Yes. Together? No. We both got an invite from the soon to be wed couple. Long story."

"Well, I hope she goes too. She deserves a break." Lena said, with a small smile.

"Yeah. We are also allowed a plus one. Unfortunately, if my plan works, she will probably be taking Alex."

"What plan?"

"Well, Alex and I talked and we agreed that Kara deserves someone better *cough* you *cough*, and this would be a good distraction from it all. But if Alex helps her out, Kara will probably ask her to come along, especially since she and Maggie broke up."

"Yeah. I feel really sorry for her. I have actually been looking for someone to set her up with." Lena said.

"I can think of someone." I replied.

Lena gave me a confused look.

"Not me."

"Of course not you. I know you only have eyes for the younger Danvers. I was actually thinking of your CFO."

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