6: Trap

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POV: Bob

So we ran in. Several soldiers noticed us, Oliver was about to grab an arrow when Barry sped in and knocked them all out.

"Couldn't have left one for me?"

"I'm saving Nazi you for you." Barry replied.

"There's no sign of the prism." Alex said.

"Well it's got to be here somewhere." Barry said.

"We got incoming." Sara said.

We looked over to where she was looking and more Nazis were on their way.

"Shit." I said, floating above them.

"Stay where you are!" A soldier ordered.

"Well, that's not happening." I said.

As more and more soldiers came running in, a flash of red lightning ran across the room and Barry chased after the Reverse Flash. The rest of us began to fight back. Then Overgirl flew above us. I was about to chase her when a fireball blew up on me. I flew back and saw Sabbac floating above me.

"Round two." He said.

"Actually, it's round three." I corrected him.

He didn't seem to care, he just wanted to hit me again.

"I see their Flash, their Supergirl, and their Shazam." I overheard Alex say over the coms.

After a brief pause of silence as everyone continued to fight.

"Yeah, I see them." Oliver shouted.

"Where's their Arrow?" Sara asked.


POV: Lena

"Any word from the team?" Caitlyn asked after she gave Mick a jar of mustard.

"They're over at the shipping depot, but it's just radio silence." Felicity said.

I was still very worried for my friends, new and old, over there. Of course I was especially worried about Kara, but I knew she could take it.

Just then the lights went red and the alarm blared. Felicity immediately pulled up the cams and saw Dark Arrow over Harry's unconscious body.

"You three, hide." Rory ordered as he pointed to me, Iris, and Felicity.

"What about Caitlyn?" Iris asked.

"It's gonna get a lot colder in here." He responded.

The three of us didn't question him, we just ran.


POV: Bob

As I fought Sabbac, I noticed Oliver get thrown by Overgirl. I was about to help him, but Sabbac grabbed my cape and threw me into a wall.

"Really rethinking the cape." I said. "But I can't control that thanks to that fucking wizard."

Then Sabbac came at me, and I thrust my hands forward, shooting as much lightning at him as I could possibly use. And I sent him flying.

I flew out of the hole and saw Oliver shoot an arrow at Overgirl, who had Sara pinned to a pillar, but she caught the arrow right before it hit her in the head.

"Burn." She said after breaking the arrow and shooting her heat vision at Oliver, who luckily rolled out of the way, and the beam hit something that reflected it back to the evil Kryptonian.

After a little while later, all the soldiers were on the ground either dead (because of Oliver, Sara, or Alex) or unconscious (because of Barry, Kara, or myself). We looked around, trying to see if anyone else was alive. And we found something, not necessarily alive. But Kara, Alex, and myself recognized it.

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