12: For The Professor

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POV: Bob

I just lost $100. I had made a bet with the older Danvers and Jess if they would actually confess their feelings during this trip. As much as I pushed it, I didn't think they would. They spent their entire friendship dancing around their feelings, so I thought they would continue to do it. Both Alex and Jess believed otherwise, which of course they were right. So I walked into the main room, and walked straight to Alex.

"Hey, Bob. Need something?"

I said nothing as I fished my wallet out and gave her $50. She gave me a confused look until she remembered our bet.

"Wait? They're together?"

"Yeah. I just accidently walked in on them kissing."

"It's about time!" Alex laughed.

"Yeah yeah. I still owe Jess $50. But now you can use that money to buy something nice for Sam."

Alex blushed as Kara and Lena walked in, hand in hand. I smiled at the sight.

"Where are we with locating the other Waverider?" Oliver asked.

"We got a pretty good idea. I mean, we've all heard of the Chandrasekhar Limit, I assume?" Curtis said.

"The what?" I asked.

"The data indicates it's still in the vicinity of Central City." Zari answered.

"Ah. Why couldn't you have said that?"

"Which also indicates that Overgirl isn't long for this world." Ray Terril said.

"Which means this world isn't long for this world."

"Failure's not an option. Losing is not an option. We are gonna win. And we are gonna show these people that this Earth belongs to us." Oliver said loudly so that everyone could hear him.

"Great speech." Frost mentioned.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Queen, but we're being hailed by a fellow Timeship." Gideon said.

"Put it on." He responded.

"What do you want?" Sara asked once all of us were standing together, when Dark Arrow's hologram came on above the main console.

"To offer a truce."

"In exchange for what?" Barry asked.

"We will return to our earth peacefully if you meet my one demand. Supergirl comes with us."

You are going to have to fight a very pissed off Luthor for that to happen.

Oliver gave Kara a quick glance before turning back to his doppelganger.

"Here's another difference between you and me. I don't abandon my friends."

Oliver hit something on the console and hung up on Dark Arrow. Sara walked out next to him and turned to us.

"All right. Everybody ready to go?" She asked.

"Never been more." Nate responded.

"Hell yeah." I said.

"We can't bring Marty back, but we can protect the city he loved, and the family he left behind." Palmer added.
(For Ray Palmer I am just going with Palmer and Ray Terril, just Ray)

"For the Professor." Sara said.

Everyone nodded along to Sara.

"Now let's go kick some ass."


We made it to the streets. I had Gideon make something for me, I had a plan. But once I was on the streets, I said Shazam. Our friends stood in a line ready to kick some ass. Ray, Frost, Supergirl, and I flew above them, although Frost was on an Ice Slide of some sort. The soldiers came right for us and then the fight began.

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