Chapter: 3

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«Hearts are made to be broken

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«Hearts are made to be broken.»

"Okay,"... "Uh-huh,"... "I'm glad,"... "Oh, how nice" – out of these short sentences your part of the conversation consisted in the next two hours. You had gone straight home, just like Jin had told you. You hadn't even managed to take off your shoes when your phone had rung from Liv's call. Since then you had to listen to her talk about how great Yoongi was.

The first five minutes you had been feeling sick in the pit of your stomach. To be shown it so obviously that Yoongi wasn't as bad as you thought, affected you more than you wanted to admit. The look with which he had looked at Liv had come back to your memory and it had taken everything of your willpower to banish this image from your thoughts.

Afterwards you had tried to block out Liv's voice completely. You wanted to be happy that the plan had worked so well – maybe a little too well. But every time you felt the sting in your heart, you tried to remember that it had been your own idea. So you couldn't complain. Not when Liv sounded so happy...

"I deserve a 'thank you' from you, by the way," Liv pulled you out of your thoughts.

Confused, you frowned and rolled over to your other side on your bed. "How come?"

"Jungkook?", she asked, as if it was obvious what she was alluding to.

"What about him?"

Liv snorted on the other side of the line. "Didn't he text you? He said he was going to do it straight away."

"Oh, yes, he did," you quickly clarified. You thought back to the short message he had sent you, which you had ignored so far. You were grateful that he had intervened when Taehyung had pressured you. But you did not know exactly what he wanted from you now. If he expected a thank you or even something in return, he could wait a long time.

"Well? What did he say? And more importantly, what did you reply?" You could practically see Liv waiting for you to give her all the juicy details.

"All he said was that you gave him my phone number, but I haven't replied yet."

Liv sighed annoyed. "Why not? Y/N, have you seen Jungkook?"

You shrugged your shoulders, even though Liv couldn't see that. "Yeah, so?"

"So? He's so handsome!"

"I wonder what Yoongi would say if he knew you fancied his best friend."

"Since when did Min Yoongi become just Yoongi?" Liv asked without responding to your comment. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized that you had just called him by his first name. And Liv also seemed to notice the change. "Is there a problem?"

A cold shiver ran down your spine when you heard Liv's voice. Normally you'd think Liv was just checking to see if everything was okay. But something about her voice and the way she phrased it made you think differently. "No, everything's fine. I've just had a long day and everything went wrong in the lab as well," you tried to make an excuse.

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