Chapter: 5

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«They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered

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«They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.»

You had finished the phone call with your father a few minutes ago, but you were still holding your cell phone in your hands, completely speechless. The thought that you might have made a mistake by making this plan with Liv had already crossed your mind days ago. But that you would suffer permanent damage if you didn't tell the truth, shocked you. To put it mildly.

This shock almost pushed the pain into the background, which still flashed through you every few seconds. Even if it had no effect on your health, you definitely couldn't live with this constant pain. Not to mention the emotional pain. You were reminded every second that Liv and Yoongi were just–

You shook your head and put these thoughts out of your mind. You did not want to think about that at all. Ew, no. That was still your best friend. And even though you often had to listen to stories about her exciting sex life, it was different to be reminded of it indirectly.

It was almost like an annoying alarm clock that would go off whenever it wanted to and that you could never turn off.

But if you didn't clear this with Liv, it seemed like the batteries would be taken out of this alarm clock soon anyway; and that forever.

It didn't help, you had to sort it out. The faster the better.

With a sigh you dialed Liv's number. It rang for a long time, but you waited patiently and breathed a sigh of relief when your patience was rewarded.

"What?" Liv asked annoyed. She sounded out of breath and you repressed the reason that came to your head, why that was.

"Liv, we really need to talk," you began seriously.

"Can't we do that tomorrow? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

You didn't, but you assumed it was way past one in the morning by now. But you knew that Liv hadn't slept yet and that that wasn't the reason why she sounded annoyed. So you persisted. "Liv, we really need to talk. Yoongi is with you, right?"

For a moment it was quiet on the other end of the line. Then a quiet: "How do you know that?"

"Are you alone or is he still next to you?"

"No, I went into the bathroom when I saw that you were calling," Liv explained and now you also heard the slight reverb as her voice bounced off the tiles.

"Okay, good," you said and took a deep breath to prepare yourself for the following conversation. "Please let me finish before you argue with me. Okay?"

"Sure, but maybe keep it short. Yoongi is probably wondering where I am."

"I don't think I can keep such a serious subject short, but I'll try." Again, you took a deep breath. At least the pain in your chest had disappeared. "Well, I just got off the phone with my dad because I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. Liv we have to end this and tell Yoongi the truth–"

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