Chapter: 6

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«Love insists the loved loves back

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«Love insists the loved loves back.»

As soon as he walked down the stairs, Yoongi dialed his friend's phone number. He pushed the front door of the building open with his shoulder and pulled his collar up a little higher when he realized that it had started to rain in the meantime. He squinted his eyes together and fell into a light jog to escape the rain. Normally he would take shelter at the bus stop he was just passing by. But he only wanted to get away. And preferably as far away and as fast as possible. He would not bear to look Y/N in the eyes now, when he knew what he had just done.

He didn't understand anything anymore. Weren't soulmates supposed to make you stop questioning your feelings and be one hundred percent sure that you were with the right person? Then why had he felt something during the kiss with Liv that he had never felt with Y/N?

"Hello?" the voice came out of the speaker of his phone and Yoongi flinched as he was yanked out of his thoughts.

"Hoseok," he greeted the younger one and raised his hand apologetically when he was almost hit by a car because he had run across the street without looking to escape the rain. "Are you at home or at the dance studio?"

"Nice of you to assume that I only rotate between two places," Hoseok replied with a scoff.

"So where are you?"

Hoseok sighed. "At home." The corner of Yoongi's mouth twitched slightly upwards. "Why?"

"Is Jungkook home?"

Hoseok was quiet for a moment and Yoongi wondered if the younger one had to look first before he could answer his question. "No, he isn't. Why?"

"Then I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Wha–" Hoseok wanted to ask but Yoongi had already ended the call and put his phone in his pocket. He hoped Hoseok could help him to finally find some answers to his endless questions.

A few minutes later, Yoongi stood dripping wet in the bathroom of the shared apartment and thankfully accepted the towel that Hoseok held out to him. He ruffled his hair with it, even though his clothes still stuck to him.

"I'll get you some sweatpants and a dry shirt," Hoseok said and disappeared into his room.

"Do you have any wet ones as well?" Yoongi shouted after him and he heard Hoseok laugh softly. A little later, the two of them were sitting on Hoseok's bed.

"Why are you here, Yoongi? It's not like you to just show up like that," Hoseok wondered.

Yoongi had his eyes on the gray sweatpants while he wrestled his hands for an answer. He had to tell someone, all the doubts were eating him up. He sighed, briefly closed his eyes and gathered his courage. "It's because of Y/N."

"Your Y/N?"

Yoongi opened his eyes again to look at Hoseok in disbelief. "No, the other one."

Hoseok quickly waved his hands in front of his upper body in defense. "Sorry, sorry. What about her?"

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