Chapter: 7

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«Saying nothing sometimes says the most

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«Saying nothing sometimes says the most.»

The next day you still had no message, no call from Liv. She apparently hadn't wondered where you had disappeared to yesterday after she came back from the bank to an empty apartment. You wondered if she had wanted to talk to you at all or if this was just one of her many lies. You wanted to keep up your years of friendship, but when she apparently cared so little about you, you wondered if it made any sense at all.

Sighing, you looked at your outfit in the floor-length mirror hanging on your room door. You already regretted having promised Jungkook to go to that stupid party; and you hadn't even left yet. The fact that it was organized by Taehyung and Jimin already told you that there wouldn't be a lack of alcohol. And that was probably the only thing you were looking forward to. Maybe for one evening at least, you would be able to forget your worries. Or rather drown them in a bath of hard liquor, that probably fit better.

You threw your skinny jeans back in the closet and kept your black mini skirt with tights underneath. For the top you chose a plain black blouse with lace sleeves. That had to be enough. It wasn't as if you needed to impress anyone. The man you wanted was beyond your reach. And the man who adored you probably didn't care what you were wearing. For him it was more than enough that you went with him to the party.

Nervously, you thought about the fact that you still hadn't talked to Jang-mi or Seokjin. You had put Seokjin off for the last few days every time he asked if everything was okay. You felt bad that you were in the lab so little and that most of the work was done by him. However, you had promised him to gather and summarize the results of his experiments.

To be honest, you were a little nervous about how he would react if you told him the truth. You knew that he would not mince matters when it came to pointing out your mistakes. But you were fine as long as he didn't yell at you. You couldn't bear that in your present state of mind. But you had to let your worries out, otherwise you would really burst like a bulging balloon. You already felt sorry for whoever had to clean up this chaos.

The apartment doorbell rang and you flinched slightly. With another sigh, you grabbed your jacket and your bag and went to the door. Jungkook greeted you with a broad grin when you opened the door. You had to force your own.

"Hello, beautiful," he said while looking at you from head to toe and winking at you. However, in the process he closed both eyes, so that you had to laugh gently. Your first real laugh of the day. "Are you ready to paint the town red?" He gave you a short kiss on the lips and you suppressed the need to turn your head to the side.

"Paint the town red?" you answered instead as you went down the stairs. "What decade are we living in? The '80s?"

"Hey," he laughed and bumped his shoulder into yours. He gave you a kiss on your intertwined hands. "You know I'm an old school guy."

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