Chapter: 9

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«Forever is composed of nows

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«Forever is composed of nows.»

The next weeks you were happier than probably ever before in your life. It was almost cheesy to have the thought alone, but it was true for you. Everything went more than great between you and Yoongi. You gave each other the space you both needed and at the same time were happy about every second you spent together. After the problems with Yoongi had been solved, you finally had time and a clear head for your neglected studies again. You and Jin made good progress with the lab tasks and the first round of exams was done as well. 

You had been a bit cautious at first (and to be honest, you still were) when you got back in touch with Liv. You were glad that she finally realized that your plan didn't work out. However, you were a bit suspicious if it was a good idea to let her back into your life if she had been so obsessed with Yoongi at one point. That's why you were currently satisfied with the couple of messages you sent each other every few days. Everything else would be seen in the future.

The only thing that still caused you some concern was when your thoughts drifted to Jungkook. You felt remorse that would probably never completely go away. But not only towards him, but also towards Yoongi. He tried to hide it from you, but you knew that he was also burdened by Jungkook's extreme withdrawal from him. And you both knew it was your fault. At least, thanks to Hoseok, Yoongi got regular updates on how the younger one was doing. But that wasn't the same as sitting across from each other and talking, of course. It was especially difficult when the group of friends had planned an evening together. Most of the time, Yoongi would cancel to make it easier for Jungkook. By doing so, he had distanced himself not only from Jungkook, but from the entire group. To see him like that made you sad and was the small drop of bitterness that dulled your happiness a bit.

That's why you were more than surprised when you received a text from Jungkook a good two months later. You were in Yoongi's apartment, which had become more or less your second home during the last weeks. The two of you were lying on the couch, an episode of your current favorite show was playing on the TV in front of you when your phone suddenly lit up. You groaned as you sat up to grab it from the coffee table. You had to squeeze your eyes slightly as you tried to get your eyes used to your bright display in the dark room and see who was texting you. Then you almost dropped the phone out of your hand in surprise.

"It's Jungkook," you heard yourself say, and Yoongi also straightened up a little next to you.

"What's he saying?"

Your eyes quickly glanced over the few lines of text and with each additional word your eyes widened a little more. "He wants to meet us," you said after a few seconds when your brain had processed the information.

"Us?" Yoongi asked and you nodded as you read Jungkook's message over and over again, fearing that you had interpreted the meaning wrong. But the text was clear.

"He explicitly says both of us." You turned your head and looked at Yoongi, who gave you a cautious smile.

"Maybe everything can really work out between us."

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