Chapter: 8

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«Remember tonight

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«Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always.»

You were still watching Hoseok's car as it disappeared in the distance and stood motionless in front of the building for a few minutes before you took a deep breath and walked in the opposite direction of the entrance. You needed fresh air and the movement in your legs to distract you from the chaos in your head and heart. You fished your cell phone out of your pocket and dialed Seokjin's number. He picked up the phone the first time it rang and you were surprised that he was even awake that late.

"Y/N, where are you?" His voice sounded worried, slightly out of breath. You wondered for a short moment whether he was at home or even on the road.

Confused, you frowned. "Hello, Jin," you greeted him and ignored his question for now. It wasn't like him to immediately jump straight to the point like that.

"Yes, hello, hello," he rattled off, "Are you home? Or are you still at the party?"

Your confusion grew even more. "How did you know about the party?"

"I..." he hesitated a moment, "I heard rumors that something happened at the party. With Min Yoongi?"

You closed your eyes at the name and felt your breath leave your lungs. Of course. Of course your drama must have made waves already. Sometimes you had the feeling that a college campus was like a pack of starving wolves that would pounce on anything that came their way. "Who told you that?"

Again, a short hesitation, but you noticed it anyway. "Um... Namjoon. A friend of his was also at the party and saw everything practically from the front row."

"Great," you replied sarcastically. Front row? Was this a soccer game or what? You wouldn't be surprised if people had watched everything unfold eating popcorn. You wrapped your jacket around your shoulders tighter when a gust of wind made you shiver in the cool night. "Can... can I come over? I really need someone to talk to right now."

"I'm already on my way to you," Seokjin said and at the same moment you were illuminated by two bright lights that belonged to a car that came around the corner. You turned around and narrowed your eyes as the light blinded you. Then you saw Jin waving at you through the windshield. You finished the call and jogged to the car. Jin turned up the heat a little higher when he noticed you were shivering.

"Thanks," you whispered softly.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon by the way," you heard someone say from the back seat and flinched in surprise. You didn't expect anyone else besides Jin to be in the car with you.

You turned around and looked into the face of a young man, probably a little younger than Jin. He smiled apologetically at you and your eyes fell briefly on the two dimples that formed on his cheeks.

"Y/N," you replied and nodded to him with a slight smile. "My reputation probably precedes me."

"Oh, it's not that bad," he tried to calm you down but Jin clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

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