✵Chapter 2: Ocean Wonders✵

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After helping the family to their home, Jre'saya managed to hear their names. The mother was Ney'tiri, the youngest daughter was Tuk, the eldest daughter being Kiri, the youngest brother is Lo'ak and lastly, the eldest brother was Neteyam.

Jre'saya had been in her little room in her families hut, fixing up some herbs until her sister walked in. "Aya" Aya looked up from her herbs. "Yes?"

"Come, we're showing them the ocean while their parents get some training done!" Tsireya smiled before walking off quickly. Aya laughed, getting up and leaving her herbs. "Wait up!"


Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Roxto dived into the water skillfully as Aya led the others to the edge. She looked behind her to the brothers who had been in front of their sisters. "Come on!" Jre'saya laughed before diving in after her siblings and Roxto.

The oceans waters felt nice as she dived in, her tail doing half of the work as it slowly paddled from side to side allowing Aya to move smoothly through the water. Both brothers, still on the walkway looked to each other. "Come on" Neteyam nudged Lo'ak before running to the edge, Lo'ak following shortly after.

They both cheered in the air until they unskillfully landed into the water. Both sisters followed with happy screams as they jumped in after their brothers. The siblings looked around at all the ocean life in awe. Aya spun around slowly so she could look up at the siblings.

She smiled up at them, her tail slowly pushing her forwards as she used her hand, gesturing them to follow. Aya spun back around and followed her siblings. Swimming around the coral.

She had heard kicking, turning around along with Tsireya as they watched the brothers and Tuk surface for air. Lo'ak and Neteyam tilted their heads to look under the water at the Metkayina Kids.

"Swim together with us" Tsireya signed to them but they only gave shrugs, not understanding what was being said. Aya smiled, tilting her head to the side before using both of her arms to represent waves before gesturing to follow them.

They took deep breaths before diving under again, and following Aya and her family. Aya smiled before swimming around some more coral, stopping to wait for them. Neteyam gestured to his brother he needed air again before they all three surfaced again.

Ao'nung turned to his family. "What's wrong with them?" He signed. "Those guys are bad divers" Rotxo signed back.

"Stop" Tsireya brought a hand up. "Their learning" Aya signed, finishing up for Tsireya. Ao'nung rolled his eyes with his head before the siblings and Rotxo swam up to the surface. Aya slowly surfaced to the right of Neteyam.

"Are you alright?" Tsireya Asked worried. "Your too fast, wait for us" Tuk complained with a whine. "Just breathe" Aya said calmly, looking to Tuk. "You are not good divers" Ao'nung interfered.

"Maybe good at swimming through trees but-" Roxto laughed as Tsireya hit her brother lightly in the head to stop him. "Come on bro" Lo'ak spoke up. "We don't speak this finger talk, guys" Neteyam said, moving his fingers to emphasize his point. "We don't know what your saying" He finished.

Aya looked to him with a soft expression. "I will teach you" She gave him a comforting smile until Rotxo spoke up. "Where is Kiri?"

Tuk looked around. "Kiri?" Ao'nung looked confused. "Who?" "Kiri, Where is kiri?" Rotxo said again, looking around. "Did you see her?" Tsireya spoke. Little did they know Kiri was enjoying her time in the ocean as she looked around at all the wildlife.


They all managed to find Kiri before Aya and her family took the others to a shallow sand spot as Ilu swam around, spinning. Ao'nung clicked and whistled as Ilu swam up to them. "These are Ilu" He spoke up. "If you want to live here, you have to ride" He finished.

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