✵Chapter 8: With My Life✵

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Aya's breathing came out heavy as her side was shooting nothing but pain through her entire body. Her head rested against Neteyam, Her body slumped against his chest as she tried to stay awake.

Neteyam continued to utter soft encouraging words to her as to try and help in the situation while Tsireya still had one of her hands locked tightly onto her sister's over her shoulder.

As Tsireya quickly ushered forwards on the Ilu, they came up to a rock just as Jake stopped at it and quickly ran to the edge after seeing Aya slumped against his son's chest.

"Dad!" Neteyam called to his father as they got to the rock. Tsireya stopped the Ilu and quickly slipped off to help bring Aya up onto the rock. "Easy" Jake said as he took her shoulders in his hands with the help of the others as they lowered her onto the rocks surface.

Aya groaned as the pain got worse as she was layed against the rock. Jake had to push Neteyam to the side to see what was wrong, and it was a struggle. "Move, move" Jake had said.

He knelt beside Aya checking for the wound. "I-it's on her right side" Neteyam choked on his words seeing his lover in pain and he couldn't do anything about it. Tsireya was softly crying in the background as she watched her sister lying on the rock, struggling to breathe. Lo'ak had taken her in his arms to comfort her.

Jake had checked where Neteyam had told and he slowly lifted her body to look for an exit wound. He exhaled with relief. "She's got an exit wound. Come here" Jake ushered Neteyam to kneel on Aya's other side. "Put pressure on her wound" He yanked his son's hands down to the wound.

Aya's breathing became shallow as she slowly lost more and more blood. "It's Okay love.." Neteyam whispered to her as her scared, blue eyes looked to him. Jake looked to his son, now knowing why Neteyam had gotten so protective over her. It had been like him and Ney'tiri so long ago. Even during the situation, He smiled softly before looking back at the exit wound.

"I w-want to go home.." Aya softly muttered to Neteyam. He looked down at her with soft eyes. "You will alright? You'll make it, You will" He softly said back. He smiled through his tears, trying to get her to smile back, But she couldn't.

That's when the sound of flapping wings was heard from behind Neteyam. He swiftly turned to see his Mother quickly slide off her Ikran and run over to the group. "What has happened?" She said with worry until she saw Aya.

"Oh sweetie.." Ney'tiri bent down on her knees and took Aya's head, placing it in her lap. "Ma'Jake. What do we do?" Ney'tiri looked to her mate.

"You gotta get her to her Mother, To Tsahìk, quickly" Jake said before moving to stand up. "I will take her" Ney'tiri was quick to say before getting up herself and running to her Ikran as Jake held Aya in his arms, following after his mate.

Neteyam was quick to follow, Calling his own Ikran and following after his mother as she clung onto Aya's body after taking her from Jake as he quickly flew to the village.

Ney'tiri's Ikran signaled their landing with a loud hiss as Ney'tiri swiftly got off and carried Aya's unconscious body in her arms looking for her mother. "Ronal!" Ney'tiri yelled for her just as Neteyam landed and followed after his mother. "Tsahìk! We need you!" Neteyam yelled, helping out in finding her.

Ronal suddenly appeared around one of the pods and quickly noticed her eldest daughter in Ney'tiri's arms. "Aya!" She ran up to them. "Follow, Quick!" She yelled before leading the way to her pod where she could heal her daughter.

Neteyam pulled open the leaf flap for his mother as she quickly entered and softly layed Aya on top of a small leaf pile. Ronal was quick to grab what she needed in helping her daughter.

Ney'tiri turned to her son. "I must help your father out there, You stay" Neteyam didn't hesitate to nod back. Ney'tiri looked down at her son. "You love her?" She softly questioned to her eldest.

Neteyam's expression changed as he heard his mother's words. He thought they were hiding their small relationship well. But he stood tall and confident. "Yes" His mother smiled before swiftly running out of the pod and back to her Ikran.


Neteyam had never thought he would find love. After he had to quickly leave his home and come here, He thought they would never make it, But after meeting Jre'saya, And becoming more than just friends, He felt more confident in himself, But as she layed beside him, Her breathing slow, And her eyes still closed, He was slowly losing that confidence that Aya had helped him with gaining.

Ronal had noticed this as she sat off to the side after helping her daughter the best she could, Hoping it would work. Tsireya had come in earlier to make sure her sister was alright, After hearing she was to get rest by her mother she left to help with Jake and the others with Quaritch. "My daughter" Ronal spoke up, Gaining Neteyam's attention. "You love her?"

Neteyam couldn't read her expression, He couldn't tell if it was hatred or not, He had felt scared to respond. "I do" He spoke sincerely.

"I want to spend my life with her" He spoke up. Ronal didn't say a word as she looked to who she had always thought was a demon, demon blood in his veins.

But Neteyam was surprised by her answer. She had given the boy a small nod and looked away from him. "You keep her safe" Ronal spoke as she looked back to him.

"I will, With my life" He spoke confidently. He wanted to gain her trust, And right now, The only way to do that was for her to accept his word.

Ronal stood up from her spot and walked out of her pod, leaving the two alone. Neteyam looked down to Aya as he held her right hand in both of his and held it up close to his face.

"I don't know if you can hear me.. But I need you Aya.." His voice was soft along with her breathing. "You helped me, More than you think.. And-" He stopped as he couldn't find his words.

He took one of his hands and layed it against her cheek. "I see you... And I want you to be my mate.." He slowly brought her head and held it to his chest, letting out a soft sigh. Even if he was confident she could not hear him he still spoke.

"I see you Aya.."


Sorry about the late update for I had to clean around the house and get ready for my 19th birthday that had occured yesterday. But here is a chapter today, And sadly this is the last chapter to this book. I hope you've enjoyed reading this book. After this chapter I will make an Epilogue and that will be it.

I wasn't really happy with this ending and I'm starting to lose interest in this book but for the sake of you all, I will continue until it is finished which is just the epilogue. But I hope you enjoyed this book and I would love to read your comments if you have any🖤

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