✵Chapter 4: I See You✵

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Jre'saya shot up from her bed quickly and ran outside her hut after hearing the horn that she was dying to hear for ages.

"The Tulkun have returned! Everybody, Our brothers and sisters have returned!" Tsireya spoke as she rode on her Ilu, telling the village.

Aya jogged down the walkways to where her Ilu would be but not before passing Neteyam and his family. "Come! I want you to meet my Spirit Sister!" She said excitedly as she faced Neteyam, jogging backwards before turning around and diving into the water, gripping onto her Ilu, not even waiting to see if Neteyam was behind her.

Neteyam was excited to meet the Tulkun. He was happy to see Aya happy about her Spirit Sister. He laughed before cheering as he jumped in the water, grabbing onto his own Ilu and following after Aya as she jumped out of the water like a dolphin, all the way to the returning Tulkuns.

The large Tulkun herd entered through a coral opening, surrounding the open ocean as the Metkayina people greeted their spirit brothers and sisters.

Out of all the Tulkun in the surrounding area, only one caught Aya's sights. She laughed, bringing her Ilu closer to her spirit sister.

Aya's Tulkun, Fre'du noticed Aya and slowly swam to her, making loud clicking sounds. Fre'du had beautiful markings and tattoos that stood out from the other Tulkun but out of all of them, She had a small tattoo on her underbelly that matched Aya's small stomach tattoo.

Aya quickly swam up to greet her spirit sister. "It is good to see you, I see you sister" Aya signed. Fre'du clicked and made grunting noises, responding to Aya "I see you sister, Good to see you as well"

Aya rambled and rambled to Fre'du about her most recent adventures until a certain boy came into play. "I met a boy, He is sweet and kind"

Fre'du's eyes showed happiness for her sister. "May I meet this boy?" Fre'du asked. Aya nodded before spinning around to try and find the boy in question.

Neteyam had been near the surface watching Aya and her spirit sister. Aya waved Neteyam down to her. He smiled before coming over on his Ilu. He slowly slipped off of his Ilu as he neared them.

Aya signed words that Neteyam knew. "This is Fre'du" She turned to Fre'du. "Fre'du this is Neteyam" Neteyam placed his hand on his forehead as to say 'I see you' Fre'du clicked with a response.

"She says nice to meet you island boy" Aya signed to Neteyam with a big smile. Neteyam smiled along with Aya. Aya turned her attention back to her spirit sister, laughing before slowly spinning in small circles, Aya's face facing the surface of the ocean with her eyes closed and her arms slowly following the spins of her body.

Fre'du swam to a straight position before spinning in slow circles with Aya. Neteyam watched with wonder and happiness as he watched the girl he deeply cared for, bonding and reuniting with her Spirit Sister.

But what the Metkayina people didn't know was that villages were being burned down as Quaritch and his men searched for Jake and his family.


After the Tulkun's had greeted their spirit brothers and sisters they had soon left again for their travels once more, the Metkayina going back to their buisness while some stook around in the ocean.

But a Metkayina girl and forest boy had other plans as they walked the same beach they had so many nights ago. Not long into their walk, did rain slowly start to fall from the clouds, drenching both of them, but they had not cared.

"So you are saying she did it on purpose?" Neteyam asked with a laugh. "Yes!" Aya softly yelled back with a laugh as well. Aya was sharing a story about Fre'du and her playing a popular ocean game.

"She is a very big poor sport" Aya laughed as she finished her sentance. Neteyam laughed along. The two continuing with walking along the beach.

"But I love her" Aya spoke up. "Even if she tries to drown me after losing a game" Neteyam chuckled softly. The two of them going silent again. One of the reasons Neteyam wanted to come out here was to explain what he had felt when for Aya.

He couldn't find the courage to do anything but walk with her as his heart beat faster and faster. His brain had had enough of the waiting and forced him to softly speak. "Aya.." This caused Aya to stop walking, Seeing he did as well, looking up to him, her face showing slight confusion. "Yes?"

If she was just a bit closer to him, she most definitely could have heard his heartbeat easily as he tried finding the right words.

"I..-" He sighed before stepping closer to her and taking her hands in his. "I don't know what it is but when I'm with you, I get this feeling that I can't explain." Aya softly looked up at him, not uttering a single word as he spoke.

"And when I'm not around you.. My thoughts are flooded with your smile, your words.. Everything about you.." He looked deep into her ocean blue eyes.

After she had stayed silent for longer than Neteyam was expecting, he started getting scared and more nervous, thinking he was coming off as weird and stupid.

"I don't know what to call it or why it's been haunting me-" He began to rant, still holding her hands in his. "-But I just can't deal with it anymore, and I can't take it anymore-" He couldn't bare looking into her eyes in fear so he had continued to look down at the sand.

"-And I won't mind if you don't feel the same feeling or don't feel the same in general but-" He had been cut off as Aya's hands slowly took hold of his face, forcing him to look her in the eyes.

"I feel the exact same Neteyam.." She softly spoke. He searched through her eyes to find an ounce of what she said was false, but found nothing but truth.

"I can't hide it anymore either, because it has been eating away at me for too long." She softly continued. Neteyam couldn't find the words as he listened to the girl who he couldn't stand but love.

Neteyam tried to speak, his lips parting slightly but nothing could come out after hearing what had just been heard. Aya smiled at his facial expression of shock and bewilderment.

But deciding on it, she slowly leaned in, keeping her hands on his cheeks. "May I..?" She whispered as their lips lay just inches away from each other.

She got an answer, but it was not the one she was expecting as he closed the gap between them, silently saying 'yes'

Neither of them expected to feel the amount of love that they had for each other as their lips softly moved against each other, fitting perfectly. Neteyam's hands had slowly gone down to Aya's waist, pulling her closer to him, wanting to feel her body against his as her hands moved from his face to wrap around his neck.

Their kiss continued as neither of them wanted it to end. Neteyam was wanting to do this ever since they had been pulled apart from Aya's sister, Tsireya, many nights ago. Neither of them could explain how happy the other was as the kiss had continued.

Neteyam's tail slowly flicked from side to side as he felt love and passion flow through his body, Aya feeling the exact same thing. The need for air however, left them to break the kiss.

They rested their foreheads against each other. Both breathing heavily from the kiss, not uttering a single word. Without opening her eyes, Aya parted her lips to speak after a bit of silence.

"I see you Neteyam.."

Neteyam smiled, not opening his eyes either as he pulled her closer to him, if that was even possible.

"I see you Jre'saya."


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