Valentine's Day

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Shoyou gulped. She was really starting to feel the nerves now, not that she hadn't felt them before. It's just now each one seemed to weigh a ton preventing her from moving from her current spot, peeking behind a corner.

It was the end of another school day and soon the after-school activities would be ending. More importantly, it was Tuesday. Tuesday's meant student council meetings after school and the shy girl behind the corner had picked up the less than the good habit of stalking the student council president, Tsukishima Kei, between the final bell and when the meetings were over every Tuesday.

But, above all else, it was Tuesday, February 14th. In other was Valentine's Day.

Now, usually, Hinata would wallow in self-pity and hide out by herself at home. she had long ago given up on being in a relationship because A) she didn't like anyone like that and B) even if she did, her chronic nervousness and timid personality would surely get in the way.

Like it was doing now.

She wasn't entirely sure why she told Ukai, her adoptive father, about her budding crush on the upperclassmen, but she had and she had kept the man updated on any and all developments between them, which were next to none.

There was that one time she tripped and fell in the middle of the hallway. Kei had helped her up and dusted herself off, but the ginger had been far too busy trying not to faint from embarrassment to really pay attention to how close Tsukishima had been. If she had, she probably would have fainted straight away with a nosebleed.

Like all the other times she came face to face with Tsukishima Kei.

She was a closet pervert too. That can be attested to her pervy adopted father, who read porn all the time go father figure.

Pulling out his dark green Android phone, she checked the time.

"4:59," it read.


One minute until the student council got out of their meeting, two minutes until Tsukishima walked out the door, and maybe two and a half to three minutes before Tsukishima walked past her current location. Pulling out her box of homemade chocolates, neatly wrapped in dark green (Tsukishima's favorite colors), Hinata decided to gather her bearings and prepare herself for the trail ahead.

'Come on Shoyou,' she told himself. 'Ukai's kitchen sacrificed itself for this cause. Don't let it down. Don't let Ukai down and for the love of God don't trip. You can do this. You are ready.'

The scrapping of a sliding door against its track startled Hinata out of her pep talk. She peered around the corner and saw a handful of members exiting through the door followed shortly by fucking-perfect Tsukishima Kei.

This was it. Gulping one more time and closing her eyes, Hinata counted backward from ten while gripping the chocolates tightly. When she reached one she exited her hiding spot, eyes still closed and posture screaming "nervous!"

Only to realize mid-step, that she had collided with something and was losing balance.

Apparently, she had timed her "big reveal" too well and instead of appearing before Tsukishima, she had appeared at the exact same moment said upperclassmen passed the exact same point.

Insert comical collision here.

When Hinata opened her eyes again, the first thing she noticed was that she wasn't on the floor. Nope. There was a body beneath her. Slowly but surely her face went from nervously pink to tomato red.

'Oh god...don't tell me...'

She looked at the face of the person beneath her and, of course, it was Tsukishima Kei. Her face, if possible, got redder. Then, she noticed the position they had fallen in.

The smaller Female was sitting on the lap of the one beneath her with said Female groaning lightly.

Hinata was starting to feel dizzy now. Very, very dizzy and her nose felt like it was going to burst any second.

Apparently, this ordeal wasn't over. For now, Tsukishima was looking at Hinata with smoldering golden-brown eyes that, if she didn't know any better, looked like they wanted to ravish her.

She felt the blood dribbling from her nose more than she registered the shocked gasp from the handful of student council members that were still there. He was actually surprised her nosebleed had been so small.

"Are you alright?" Smooth, velvety, deep, sultry. Words could not properly detail how utterly sinful that voice was and Hinata's perverted, virgin mind could take no more.

This time the nosebleed was a geyser, the force from which sent Hinata rolling back out of Tsukishima's lap and into darkness.

Tsukishima just shook her head as others tried to close their gaping mouths before she noticed the neatly wrapped package still tightly gripped in the ginger's hand.

Standing, Tsukishima stretched and sighed before picking up the unconscious Ginger bridle style.

"Kei, what are you doing?" Her older brother asked.

"Hmm," he replied. "I'm taking her to the Nurse's office." The smirk at the end was for fun.

Her older brother shrugged before continuing on his way.

Once she was alone, Tsukishima leaned over and whispered into the Ginger's ear, "We really should stop meeting like this, ne Shoyou?"

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