I wish it was us and not him.

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Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi had all fallen for their spunky and determined teammate, Hinata. They loved his infectious energy and his unwavering determination to be the best volleyball player he could be. But as they began to realize their feelings for him, they also discovered that Hinata's heart belonged to someone else: their captain, Daichi.

Hinata had always looked up to Daichi, admiring his strong leadership skills and his unrelenting dedication to the team. He had always felt a special connection with him, and over time, those feelings had grown into something deeper.

As Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi grappled with their unrequited feelings for Hinata, they tried their best to support him in his love for Daichi. They knew that their captain was a great guy and that Hinata was lucky to have someone like him in his life.

But as much as they tried to bury their feelings, they couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy every time Hinata and Daichi were together. They longed to be the one who Hinata looked at with that same adoration and respect.

It wasn't until a particularly intense game against their rivals, Nekoma, that everything came to a head. Hinata had been injured early in the game, and it was clear that he was in a lot of pain. As Daichi helped him off the court, Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi all felt a deep sense of longing and protectiveness towards Hinata.

In that moment, they all realized that they didn't have to compete with each other for Hinata's love. They could all love him in their own way and support him no matter what.

As the game continued, Hinata couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and support he was receiving from his teammates. He realized that he didn't have to choose between them, and that their love for him was something special and unique.

After the game, Hinata pulled all three of them into a tight embrace, thanking them for their love and support. And as they all hugged each other tightly, they knew that their bond as teammates and friends was stronger than any one-sided love could ever be.

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