Love songs and Hair.

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Sunday mornings were always special for Sugawara and Hinata. It was a tradition they started when they moved in together. As the soft rays of the sun streamed through the curtains, Hinata would wake up to find Sugawara already humming in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Sugawara greeted with a loving smile as he placed a kiss on Hinata's forehead.

"Mornin'," Hinata yawned, rubbing his eyes. "What's for breakfast?"

Sugawara chuckled, "Your favorite pancakes and some fresh fruit salad."

Hinata's eyes lit up, "You're the best, Suga!"

After their delightful breakfast, Sugawara would suggest, "How about I wash your hair today, Hinata?"

Hinata's eyes sparkled with anticipation, "Really? Yes, please!"

They moved to the bathroom, where Sugawara had already prepared everything they needed. As the warm water cascaded down Hinata's back, Sugawara gently massaged his scalp, working the shampoo into a luxurious lather.

"Ah, that feels amazing," Hinata sighed, leaning into Sugawara's touch.

"I'm glad you like it," Sugawara replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Sugawara carefully rinsed out the shampoo, making sure not to get any soap in Hinata's eyes. He then applied a fragrant conditioner, gently running his fingers through the soft strands of Hinata's hair.

"You have such beautiful hair, Hinata," Sugawara said, admiration evident in his tone.

Hinata blushed, "Thanks, Suga. But it's all thanks to you and your magic touch."

They shared a tender smile, lost in their little world of affection. Soft love songs played from a speaker in the corner, adding to the intimate atmosphere.

As Sugawara continued to rinse and condition Hinata's hair, Hinata couldn't help but ask, "Why do you enjoy doing this so much?"

Sugawara chuckled, "Well, there's something incredibly soothing about washing your hair. It's a moment of peace and intimacy that we share, just the two of us. Plus, I get to pamper you a little, and that makes me happy."

Hinata turned around to face Sugawara, his eyes brimming with love, "I love it too. It makes me feel cherished, and I love being taken care of by you."

Sugawara gently kissed Hinata's forehead, "I'll always take care of you, Hinata. It's a privilege to be by your side."

After rinsing out the conditioner, Sugawara wrapped a fluffy towel around Hinata's head, and they returned to the living room, where Hinata settled on the couch while Sugawara sat behind him.

"Lean back against me," Sugawara instructed, and Hinata complied, nestling comfortably against Sugawara's chest.

With a soft, bristle hairbrush, Sugawara carefully untangled Hinata's hair, his movements tender and precise. Hinata closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of Sugawara's fingers gently gliding through his locks.

"You know," Hinata began, "I look forward to Sundays just as much as you do. This ritual we have is so special to me."

Sugawara smiled, "I'm glad to hear that, Hinata. I cherish these moments too."

As the love songs continued to play in the background, Sugawara finished brushing Hinata's hair and then proceeded to braid it, creating intricate patterns that he knew Hinata loved.

"There you go," Sugawara said, admiring his handiwork.

Hinata turned to look at Sugawara, his eyes filled with affection, "Thank you, Suga. You make me feel so loved."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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