Coffee Spill Love story.

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Shouyou and Hajime had been dating for a few years now, and they still loved reminiscing about the day they first met. They were sitting in their favourite café, sipping their drinks and enjoying each other's company when Shouyou turned to Hajime and said, "Remember when we first met here?"

Hajime smiled, his mind immediately going back to that day. "Yeah, of course," he said. "That was the day when you spilled coffee on me and apologized profusely, but all I could think about was how gorgeous you are and how great it would have been to get your number."

Shouyou laughed, a blush rising to his cheeks. "I was so embarrassed," he said. "I couldn't believe I had spilled coffee all over you like that."

Hajime shook his head. "It wasn't a big deal," he said. "In fact, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn't have had the courage to talk to you otherwise." and I couldn't stop thinking about you for days. I kept coming back to this coffee shop hoping to run into you again."

Shouyou blushed, "I had no idea. I was just hoping I wouldn't see you again so you wouldn't have to be reminded of my clumsiness.

Hajime took Shouyou's hand, "But fate had other plans for us. I'm so glad we met that day. It's been an amazing journey with you."

Shouyou smiled, "Me too. I can't imagine my life without you now."

They sat there for a few more minutes, lost in their memories, before Shouyou leaned over and gave Hajime a soft kiss on the lips.

The coffee shop had become a special place for Shouyou and Hajime. It was where they had their first date, where they shared their first kiss, and where they came to talk about their future plans. They had even started a tradition of coming back to the same coffee shop every year on the anniversary of their first meeting.

As they sipped on their coffee, Shouyou couldn't help but wonder what other surprises life had in store for them. "Do you ever think about where we would be if we never met that day?" she asked Hajime.

Hajime shook his head, "I try not to. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I don't want to think about what could have been."

Shouyou smiled, "Me neither. I'm just grateful that we did meet. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here, with you."

They finished their coffee and walked out of the coffee shop, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited them in the future. They knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.

As they walked down the street, they saw a young couple sitting in the same spot where they had spilled coffee all those years ago. The girl had spilled coffee on the guy and was apologizing profusely. Hajime and Shouyou shared a knowing smile and continued walking, leaving the young couple to their own story.

They knew that just like them, that couple would have their own memories and adventures to share. But for Hajime and Shouyou, there was only one thing that mattered - their love for each other and the memories they had made together.

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