A mermaid falls for a Human.

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Hinata was a beautiful mermaid who lived in the depths of the ocean. She spent her days exploring the coral reefs and playing with the other sea creatures. One day, as she was swimming near the surface, she spotted a human named Ushijima.

Ushijima was a strong and handsome man who spent most of his time on his boat, fishing in the waters near Hinata's home. She couldn't help but be drawn to him. She watched him from afar, fascinated by his movements and the sound of his voice.

As days turned into weeks, Hinata found herself spending more and more time near Ushijima's boat. She would hide in the shadows, watching him as he went about his daily tasks. She was captivated by the way he moved, the sound of his laughter, and the way he looked at the ocean with a sense of wonder.

Eventually, Hinata couldn't resist the urge to get closer to Ushijima. She swam up to the surface and watched him from the safety of the water. Ushijima noticed her and was stunned by her beauty. They struck up a conversation, and before long, they were spending time together every day.

Hinata and Ushijima's friendship quickly turned into something more. They would sit on the boat and talk for hours, sharing stories about their lives and their hopes and dreams. They would swim together in the ocean, exploring the depths and discovering new wonders.

However, their love was not without its challenges. Hinata knew that as a mermaid, she could never live on land with Ushijima. Ushijima, in turn, knew that he could never live in the ocean with Hinata. They were from two different worlds, and their love was impossible.

Despite this, they could not bear to be apart. They continued to see each other, sneaking away whenever they could. They knew that their love was forbidden, but they could not help the way they felt.

As time passed, Hinata and Ushijima's love only grew stronger. They knew that they could never be together, but they cherished the moments they had. They swam and talked and laughed, knowing that every moment could be their last.

In the end, Hinata knew that she had to return to the ocean. She knew that it was her home, and she could not abandon her family and friends. Ushijima knew that he could not follow her, but he promised to never forget her. They said their goodbyes, tears streaming down their faces.

Years went by, and Hinata and Ushijima went on with their separate lives. But they never forgot each other. Whenever Ushijima went fishing, he would think of Hinata and smile. Whenever Hinata explored the ocean, she would remember the time she spent with Ushijima and feel a pang of sadness.

Their love may have been impossible, but it was real. It had touched their hearts in a way that nothing else could. And even though they could never be together, they knew that their love would live on forever.

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