Chapter 9: My Mate

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Hey it’s been a week! What can I say I’m busy and this weekend will be much busier! UGH!! Oh-well I hope I can stop revealing the story and get onto the adventure in it!


I went upstairs and changed into my jean skirt that went to my ankles and I put on my black blouse. That was nice and still casual.  I put on a little make up again not much; I think if I went all out I would look fake and cheap like Whitney (The girl that bullied me in my old town). At exactly eleven Danny pulled up in his Blue pick-up, and came and knocked on the door.

                Let the party begin!!

                I went up and opened the door. Danny stood in his amazing jeans and white shirt smiling when he caught me looking at him. I had made up my mind last night in my dreams. Yes call me weird but in my dreams I look back on the whole day and go over things, My mother says I’m just crazy, but hey! If I get stuff done in my dream, good for me!

                “Come on in Danny, I need to talk to you,” I let him come into my living room than I blushed, should I ask him? “Um Danny why can’t I be your mate, we could just leave and be happy and forget about this friendly pack barbeque,” I babbled on he looked at me in shock; okay he was not expecting that!

                “Kristen,” He sighed, “You already have a mate somewhere and I have a mate already too. Plus, Kristen, I told you about my grandparent’s kid, Steve. He’s evil, nasty and hate filled, I would never want my children to be like that. I could never let my pack down either, my father is second in Command, and My other brother, Jake, will fill his shoes, if I back down know, my family will lose all respect we have built up. I cannot let that happen. Just go to this outing,” He pleaded, “You might find your mate?” He looked fine. Oh-well I’ll try and brush this off, At least I might find him!

                “Al-right but, after I find my mate, we’ll be best friend’s, right Danny?” He nodded and mumbled, “Ya” wow, now I know what Will felt like when I rejected him. Make this situation not awkward, as much as possible.

                “Alright than let’s get a move on, White boy!’’ I yelled and silently laughed because he was not tan and that white shirt just helped.

                “Your just jealousy I can pull off these glasses with these shoes, like you can’t” he motioned to his sun glasses and white converse. I snorted; he looked so funny trying to pretend he was into fashion. Maybe I should tease him? What were his brothers’ names? Copper, No that was his dad. Cooper… Yah! Cooper and Jake. Hehehehe.

                “I want to meet up with your brothers, get to know them better, if you know what I mean.” I lifted both of my eyebrows suggestively. This was a horrible attempt to get his attention because he started laughing his butt off.

                “Oh-man,” He wiped a drop of sweat of his forehead, obviously done laughing, “That was great Krissy.  Cooper’s got a mate, and Jake doesn’t have ‘time for girls’ they’re to ‘stuck-up and immature pestering you all the time when works to be done.’ I would hate to be his mate. He hasn’t found one yet, or so he tells me. He has been sneaking off lately and I think he’s going to meet her, or stalk her. You can choose which one you want him to be. Sweet secret lover, or Crazy stalker,” He burst into more fits of laughter, “He won’t even second glance you. You’ll be lucky if he even says ‘Hi’ to you, “He stared at me for a second, “Well he might talk to you because you might be ‘worthy of his time’. I’m pretty sure the guy has never been laid even though all the girls think he’s ‘sexy’. He doesn’t, like I said; give them a second glance he just cares about his work. I hope he finds his mate soon so he’ll know what it’s like and I can rub it in his face! Crap it’s time to go!” He shouted at me and pulled me outside and into his truck.

                He blasted the radio to ‘Daddy let me drive’ and I sang right along. “You’ve got a good voice, “He said as the song ended.

                “Thanks I sing in the church choir every month.” I said. That ended all conversation until we pulled up to a huge white farm house with a pasture and a forest in the back. There were lots of cars but no people.

                “The horses must be in the barn,” Danny said as he smiled, “The people are in the back yard.

                Sure enough there they were. Tons of people staring at me. Than someone tapped me on the shoulder and I felt Electricity surge through me. I took a deep breath and turned around. There stood someone that looked oddly familiar, and smelled so good. I couldn’t even fathom how anyone could smell better than this man that was right before me. I must have looked shocked but he sure as gob stoppers wasn’t. He smiled at me,

                “Hey I’m-“He was cut off by,

                “JAKE! Don’t hog the new girl introduce me, dude, I want to meet your mate.” Some random guy said. Wait! WHAT! MATE!?! This delicious man is Danny’s older brother who didn’t talk but only worked? I’m his mate? Well that makes some sense... what Danny said about what it feels like to be with your mate is true. The same guy that spoke spoke again, “Holy Cow man!  You’re always lucky! I was hoping I would be Kristen’s mate, but, no, you get all the power she comes with.” If I could have heard a more offensive comment I would have died. Thankfully Jake said something,

                “Shut-up man! I don’t want her because she’s powerful. I want her because she’s beautiful, funny, a straight A student, she has an amazing voice while she sings in the shower, she’s perfect, and she’s not a waste of my time.” He looked at me as he said that like he heard what Danny had said and was trying to convince me that he was good. Than his words registered in my mind.

                “You’re the Crazy Stalker? The one that watches me and that I saw on like the first day I was here?” He nodded, “Gross! You didn’t even ‘accidently’ meet me. You know I sing in the shower! I barely whisper-sing in the shower! Wow!” He looked done his cheeks flushed, Oh he’s so cute! Wait! No! I’m mad at him, but it’s so hard to be mad.

                “I’m sorry, I didn’t know when to meet you, it’s so hard to find a good time to just pop out of nowhere and say ‘hi’, please understand.” He said his voice strained I nodded at him and said, “I understand” Than he hugged me but quickly let go.

                “Well, now I need to introduce you as my mate to everyone.” He stated.

                “Oh Goodie!” I replied. He chuckled.


Sorry if this is short, I don’t know when I’ll be able to upload again but I want 5 votes, at least 2 comments, and one new fan! Come on you can do that for me! Just I few Clicks and You’ve voted!

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