Chapter Two

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 Priyadarshini dragged her feet towards the audience hall. Her father had summoned her again to his presence, this time to meet her groom. With a pounding heart and dread creeping through her veins, she entered the grand hall, her face covered with a sheer veil. At least, the veil provided her with a semblance of security, hiding her face from prying eyes. The moment she entered the room, her gaze fell on the huge man seated beside her father. She curtsied to them and was shown a place on the other side of her father. Raising her eyes a little, she stole a glance at the face of the Prince. With widening eyes, she looked at him in incredulity. Had she not been sitting, she would surely have fallen down from the sheer shock she received. The stranger from the woods! It had been he, who had kissed her so daringly.

Harshvardhan stared at the bent head of his betrothed. He knew she must have recognized him from their previous encounter, but was unable to breathe a word about it in front of Somdutt, her father. He had heard stories about her beauty but wanted to find out for himself if they were true or just fanciful tales. Seeing her uneasiness gave him a sense of satisfaction. He did not intend to make the alliance easy for her. She was, after all, the daughter of his enemy. He hated Reshamgarh and its ruler with a vengeance. Long ago, his grandfather had been defeated by Somdutt when the latter had been a young prince. He always suspected some foul play, for his grandfather had been a seasoned warrior. He had never let his family forget that humiliating defeat. Harshvardhan had grown up with only one aim, to bring Reshamgarh to its knees. Now, due to the pressure from the neighboring rulers, he was forced to sign the treaty with his enemy. His enemy's daughter in exchange for peace between the two kingdoms. He smiled to himself, as the prospect suddenly seemed profitable. She would be a hostage in Jaigarh. Somdutt doted on his only daughter and any harm done to her would make him squirm. He would enjoy seeing his enemy on tenterhooks regarding his daughter's life.

"My beloved child, you have been promised to Prince Harshvardhan now. You shall accompany him to his kingdom on the morrow," her father said, his voice choking with emotions. Priyadarshini nodded, her glance darting to the man seated opposite her. She could swear that she saw his lips twist in contempt. Had he no respect for the sanctity of the marriage bond, she mused. "Make your preparations child, for you depart at the first light of dawn. It will be a long way. Lalita will accompany you, apart from the other servants. I know she is the closest to you," he tried to smile though his heart grew heavy at the thought of handing over his daughter to the enemy.

Somdutt watched his daughter walk out of the hall. She was an obedient child and had never disappointed him by word or deed. He knew that she deserved better, but the treaty was crucial to the welfare of his kingdom. Turning to the man seated beside him, he said, a warning in his tone, "My daughter is the most precious to me, her well-being of utmost importance. Keep that in mind, Prince, before you think of harming a single hair of her head." Harshvardhan let out a loud laugh, before running his hand lovingly over his sword.


"Lalita," she called out, "pack my robes, and don't forget to pack the medicine chest."

Lalita, accompanied by a couple of maids, worked diligently to pack all the effects of her mistress, folding the exquisite silks and linens, and placing them in huge trunks. Of course, she could not forget the medicine box. Her mistress was no ordinary princess, weak and helpless. Being the only child of King Somdutt had meant that she had been taught to read and write the alphabet, something seldom allowed to womenfolk. She could duel with the best of the swordsmen and was an excellent rider. After the queen had passed away from a prolonged illness, the princess had shown a willingness to learn about medicine. She had trained for two years under the best medicine man in the kingdom, learning about the effects of herbs, how to mix them, and how to make poultices. There was not a single woman of royal blood among all the neighboring kingdoms, who could boast of so many accomplishments, as her mistress could. Lalita was proud of her princess and thought it a pity that she was to wed such a man as Prince Harshvardhan of Jaigarh. She should have been married off a year ago when Rana Raj Singh of Haripur had sent a proposal, but King Somdutt never considered any man good enough for his only child. Alas, now she was to be sacrificed for the sake of the kingdom and handed over to that bloodthirsty devil.

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