Chapter Eight

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 The door of the chamber opened with a crash. Lalita got up from where she had been laying a change of dress for her mistress, who would any moment be back from her ride. Was she here already? She turned from the brass trunk, the next moment falling back a step as she saw the Prince at the door, his whole stance belligerent. Had he got word of the ride? Would she be punished for helping? She recalled Rattan's fate and her hands trembled as she rushed to cover her face with her veil. "My lord?" she stammered.

"Where is your mistress, woman? Call her this very moment," he commanded, giving a heated look towards where the bath chamber lay to one side of the room. He did not care if his wife was taking a bath. He was angry enough to drag her through the palace, even in her immodest condition.

Lalita swallowed the lump of fear in her throat. It appeared that he did not know that she had gone riding. Could she perhaps lie about it? One look at his enraged countenance convinced her that it was wiser to tell the truth. ", my lord," Lalita stuttered.

"Where is she? Out with the truth woman, if you wish to see your head on your shoulders."

"She has gone riding, sire," it came out with difficulty, as Lalita felt her mouth dry in fear.

Harshvardhan could not believe his ears. Riding? Where to? "Where has she gone?"

", my lord." He turned and strode out of the room, promising to wreak vengeance on his erring wife.


Priyadarshini was leaning against the trunk of a tree in the middle of the tiny clearing in the woods. The mare was grazing on the scrub nearby. The heady feeling of freedom had rejuvenated her, making a song break from her lips. What would she not give to stay here for some time more? The thought of going back to the palace was an irritant at the back of her mind as she admired the scene in front of her and enjoyed the birdcall echoing in the woods. It brought to mind her first encounter with the Prince, beside the pool. She touched a finger to her lips as she remembered the kiss he had placed on her lips, albeit against her will. Had she known it was he, she would have run in the opposite direction, rather than bandy words with him. As if her thoughts had manifested him in person, she saw him riding towards her on his black stallion. The horse and rider neared her and she realized that it was no figment of her imagination but the devil himself. What did he want with her?

He pulled the reins of the horse, bringing it to a stop as he arrived at the spot. Dismounting, he advanced menacingly in her direction. "What are you doing here, Princess?" he asked through gritted teeth.

She waved the crop, indicating the sylvan setting. "Just enjoying the fresh breeze, my lord."

He glared at her with distrust in his eyes. "Oh? Or mayhap waiting to meet someone? An enemy of Jaigarh most probably?" Taken aback, she could only shake her head in negation. It had never crossed her mind that her actions could be construed as such. Was he insane? Why would she do something like that?

"I would not ever think of doing so, my lord," she assured him. "It is unfair of you to think so about your wife."

"But your father would! You may be doing his bidding for all I know." he threw at her.

"Do not blame my father, Prince. He is a man of his honor." Priyadarshini was now as angry as he appeared to be. What right did he have to bring her father in between?

"Let me give you the latest tidings, Princess. There has been a rebellion in our northern outpost and your father has a hand in it." She fell to her knees as the import of those words sank in. It couldn't be true! There must be some misunderstanding. She knew her father well. He would never do something so underhand. As she raised her head, ready to defend her father, she saw that they had been surrounded by his guards. He had obviously ridden faster than his men.

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