Chapter Fourteen

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 "Please do not pretend that you care for me even one bit. I would rather that you left me to my own devices," Priyadarshini said in a tight, strained voice, her words a mere whisper echoing in the huge chamber. She had had it with trying to befriend this ill-tempered, arrogant man. His cruelty knew no bounds and she did not feel up to the games that he played. She could hardly keep her eyes open.

At her succinct words, his face assumed a masked expression, not displaying any emotion whatsoever. He stood up abruptly, nodded, and then strode out of the door without a backward glance. Had her words pushed him into the arms of his concubine, the beauty he seemed to favor even above his wife? Priyadarshini decided that she could not care less if he went to her. She was beyond interested in salvaging this mockery of a marriage.

As the door closed after his retreating back, Lalita propped her up on the pillows. A maid had brought some broth and Lalita was clearly going to force-feed her if needed. "Eat my lady," she said, offering the bowl to her. "It is wild pheasant and will warm you up," she instructed in a motherly manner. "Look at you, you have become just skin and bones," she remarked her tone a mix of anxiety and admonition.

Why was Lalita angry? Was it due to the harsh words she had thrown at the Prince? Since when had her maid started caring for his feelings? All this was too confusing, so, for the time being, Priyadarshini decided to concentrate on emptying the contents of the bowl and then falling back to sleep.


Neelanjana found her gaze transfixed on his face. His eyes seemed to be looking into her very soul, searching for she knew not what. Hassan was the first one to break the contact. He took a step towards her as if he could not stop himself. That was all the encouragement she needed. In the blink of an eye, she was in his arms, enclosed in his strong, muscular embrace, her breath mingling with his warm one.

As if by an unspoken agreement, they walked towards the tent. He lifted the flap and they entered into its cocooned comfort. "How are you, my beautiful one? I was hoping that fate would not be so cruel as to deprive me of a last glimpse of you. I chose this route just so that I could come to Jaigarh," Hassan remarked, pulling her down on the soft mattress. They settled against a lush pillow and Neelanjana found her head resting on his broad chest out of its own volition.

As blue eyes met dark brown ones, she could not believe her luck in finding him here of all places. "You have been in my thoughts too, though I had given up hope of ever seeing you again. I have missed you Hassan," she breathed, her chest rising and falling in agitation at his tempting nearness.

"I have missed you too, my angel," the words left his lips despite himself and they found their lips meeting, as they kissed with a desperation born out of the uncertainty of fate. Could it be their last kiss, both wondered as they plunged with renewed passion into it. Neelanjana found her fingers playing with his locks while his eager hands explored her body, their movements heated and urgent. She never noticed when they lay on the soft surface, his heavyweight pressing her down.

After what appeared to be eons, she came back to reality when Hassan withdrew from her. She looked at him with a question in her gaze. They had been enjoying the closeness, the touch, and the taste of each other, then what made him stop? "Why?" she uttered just one word.

Tying his robes with the silken thread which held them together, he took a deep breath before answering in a shaking voice. "Loving you once won't be enough, my goddess. If we do this, I would be unable to leave you and go back. Unlike your previous lovers, I don't just care for your exquisite body but for the beautiful soul inside." His earnest expression assured her that he spoke the truth. Assuming a grim stance, he stared her straight in the eye. "I shall return by the end of this year for more spices. If you care for me, come with me to my land."

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