Chapter Eleven

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 Rajyavardhan scratched his itching face where the bugs had bitten him. He cast a sour glance at the walls of the cell which seemed to close in on him. Heavy footfall broke into his brooding stance. Two men threw open the door of his cell gesturing for him to follow. Slowly, he rose from the floor where he had been squatting. Where were they taking him? Was he to meet his death? Such thoughts crossed his mind, but shrugging his shoulders, he followed the guards.

King Yashvardhan was sitting on a high throne, accompanied by a couple of his ministers. Rajyavardhan stood in front of him, bound in chains. He refused to bow in curtsy before his brother. After all, he had never considered Yashvardhan to be the true ruler of Jaigarh.

"So, brother. What do you think we should do with you?" Yashvardhan taunted. "My son suggests that you be sent to the gallows for daring to lead a revolt against your rightful king."

Rajyavardhan snorted in contempt. " you think I will quake in my shoes at the prospect of going to the gallows? I believe that I did nothing wrong. I only fought for what is mine by rights."

"My dear brother, our father chose me as his successor, not you. How can the throne be rightfully yours?"

"We were born together, brother, but I was the one who was more valiant and adventurous, always game for something daring to do. You were the quiet one, always lagging behind. It is a wonder, how our illustrious father chose you. I only wanted to wipe out the mistake which our father did."

"Rajyavardhan, our father was an exceptionally wise man. He recognized you to be a rotten fruit, not good enough for the throne of Jaigarh. The people hated your cruel ways, and so did our father. You never won his trust, and today you have proved that he was right. Although, my mind says that I should send you to the gallows, but the time we have spent playing together as children compels me to change my mind. I hereby, banish you from the kingdom of Jaigarh. You may only return here on the pain of death."


Priyadarshini glanced at the man sitting opposite her. In front of her lay a sumptuous spread with wild game, saffron-flavored rice, aromatic curries, and a large selection of flatbread. Luscious fruits, mouthwatering desserts, and cool sherbets completed the meal. She broke a piece of millet flatbread, dipping it in the savory sauce, while casting a covert look at her husband as he tucked into his meal with gusto. They had hardly exchanged a dozen words since he arrived. He had inquired after her health before the servants entered with the numerous platters full of food. Was it only to be a ritual? Did he have nothing to say to her?

"You are too weak from your unfortunate confinement in the dungeons. Eat well, Princess. Here..." he held out a luscious chunk of fruit, waiting for her to take it. Reluctantly, she took it from his hand, putting it in her bowl, before addressing him in an acerbic tongue. "Do you think it would suffice to offer a morsel from the salver, for me to forget the injustice and dishonor done to me?"

She saw his face awash with color before he shrugged and continued with the meal silently.


Sunder Singh reached under the rocky overhang, reining in his horse and bringing it to a stop. The horse was foaming at the mouth, exhausted from the long journey it had undertaken. The handful of men following him also came to a stop beside him, similarly weary and sweating. They had espied a troop of soldiers, all mounted, searching for the rebels. They had escaped from the area, spurring their mounts, till they were well out of the borders of Jaigarh. Now, deep into the forest, they could rest for a while and maybe hunt some game for food.

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