Chapter Three

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 The palace came into sight, a mammoth structure of pink sandstone and marble, its turrets kissing the sky. It was fronted by vast lawns, vivid with flowering plants and leafy palm trees. A fountain with a marble statue of a mythical creature tinkled as cool water poured down its sides. The grand gateway had been decorated at the moment with garlands of flowers and leaves. Who in the palace was eager to welcome her, Priyadarshini mused, heartened by the sight of the festive adornments.

The procession entered the gateway, coming to a stop in front of the ornately carved brass-studded doors. Maids rushed to get her out of the palanquin, leading her through the doors and into a grand hall. As she stood there, waiting for the prince to join her, she took in her surroundings. Cool marble floors vied with the polished brass candelabras which stood all along the walls. Heads of long-dead deer and tigers adorned the walls as did shiny weaponry. The whole ambiance of the room was intimidating, forcing one to be on one's guard. Harshvardhan joined her, his forceful footsteps echoing due to the high vaulted ceiling of the hall. She cast a sideways glance at his grim face, displaying clear signs of irritation as the royal women welcomed them with tika or smudges of vermilion on the forehead and a shower of rice, all the while singing of being blessed with a hundred strong sons. Priyadarshini felt herself blush, wringing her hands, in discomfort.

"Get changed, Princess. My parents wish to meet you within the hour." The crisp command was enough to hasten her steps, as she followed behind a sullen-faced maid. She walked through tortuous passages, taking many turns and at last reaching an enormous bedchamber. The airy, bright room was dominated by a wide bed covered with a woven bedspread. On one side, a series of casements looked down on the grounds below. A dresser occupied one wall while her trunks lined another. The same sullen-faced maid waited impatiently, tapping her foot, while Priyadarshini took in her surroundings.

"Do you or do you not wish to change out of these clothes, my lady?" the maid inquired in an insolent tone. Though angry, Priyadarshini disregarded her impudence, choosing instead to answer patiently.

"First I would like to wash the grime off my body. Arrange for some water please," she directed, watching as the maid flounced off to draw some water from the well. Was all the staff here so impertinent, she wondered. Half an hour later, washed and dressed, she waited for the guards to lead her to the audience hall. A posse of guards knocked at her door, before entering, their swords drawn. Priyadarshini was taken aback at their belligerent stance. " you....want?" she stammered, a fine tremble starting in her body.

"We are here to escort you, my lady, at the order of our prince," the one who appeared to be their leader, muttered through gritted teeth. "Shall we go?" he waved a hand towards the exit. She fell into steps beside him, all the while wondering at the need for so many armed guards inside the palace. They again took the labyrinth of passageways, until they came to another grand hall. The sentry announced her, and she noted the presence of King Yashvardhan, a burly, regal man, dressed in ceremonious clothes accompanied by a tall, elegant woman by his side, obviously the queen, Devnandini. Harshvardhan, their only son, stood by their side, a scowl marring his handsome face. It was clear that whatever they had been discussing, hadn't found favor with him.

"Welcome to Jaigarh, daughter-in-law," the clear, booming voice of the king greeted her as she paid her respects to him and the queen. The queen stepped forward to embrace her in a warm hug, reminding her of her home which she had left behind. The scowl on the Prince's face deepened, as Priyadarshini returned the embrace. "We hope that you would find happiness in your union with our son," the king continued, waving her to take a seat beside the Prince.

"This is a new chapter in the relationship between Jaigarh and Reshamgarh," the queen remarked. "The wedding will be held on the morrow, so, take good rest, dear." With that instruction, the queen gave a motherly smile.

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