Chapter Twenty-Four

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 The bright afternoon sun had turned into twilight by the time Neelanjana rose from the bed and cast a glance at the still-sleeping man on her bed. His face seemed so peaceful in repose, devoid of any veneer of pretentiousness which she had glimpsed in other men. Hassan looked almost boyish in his innocence. She knew, here was a man who was virtuous and gentle.

In all the years of her profession when she had lain with numerous men, she had not experienced the bliss which she had found in his arms, for he was no conqueror but a lover, tender and passionate. He had almost been reverent in his lovemaking, treating her like a goddess. She had never felt so alive as she felt at this moment, as if all that had gone before, was but a bad dream. This was her life. To be loved every moment by this wonderful man and to shower him with all her love in return. She was glad that they had waited till she accepted his proposal. The intensity of their emotions had heightened due to the fact that now they would be together forever. It was no furtive coupling, but a promise to honor each other through the good and the bad.

Turning with her diaphanous robe in her hand, poised to cover her nakedness, she found him staring at her with dreamy eyes. "What are you looking at, dearest?" she asked.

"Just wondering how I got so fortunate as to be blessed with your love. It all seems like a dream. I can't believe all that has happened."

"Neither can I, but believe we must, for we have to make plans for our escape from Jaigarh. Once the Prince comes to know about us, only the Almighty knows how he will react to it," she mused.

Hassan nodded, then threw open his arms. "We will work something out on the morrow, my love. Till then we have the night to ourselves. Even if I die now, I shall have no regrets about seeking you out."

With a wistful smile, Neelanjana dropped the robe and walked into his waiting arms.


Priyadarshini sat counting the hours when her enemies would come to fetch her for the execution. What would she not give for a good sword at the moment? At least she would have gone down fighting. She had lost all hope that any savior would materialize at her side, ready to fight for her life with the brigands, for that was what she considered them. They were no revolutionaries. Revolutionaries had scruples and principles. These men had none, or they would not be planning to execute a woman who was with child. Where was Harshvardhan, her heart cried out. Would she ever see him again or had the cruel hands of fate torn them apart forever?

A faint sound at the door broke into her thoughts. Rising to her feet in fear, she called out, "Who is it? What do you want?"

"Shh....don't make a noise. Just listen quietly," Tikam, the old man who had been on guard duty, walked in stealthily.

Handing her a cloth-wrapped bundle, he whispered, bringing his face almost against her ear. "The master is away, and the men are deep into the cup. The time is ripe for you to make your escape from here. I will keep the door open and the men engaged." He stopped to point towards the jungle where the trees densely grew, making the darkness of the night more shadowy and frightening. "You must make a dash for it now, or it would be too late. The master plans to do away with you at midnight when the moon is full. Your blood will propitiate the Goddess, or so he says."

She nodded her head, her heart pounding with apprehension. The man seemed earnest. There was no reason to disbelieve him. She had to take this chance, however slim. There may not be another for her and her unborn child.

Pointing a finger at the clump of trees, he whispered again, "Take that path, it leads towards Jaigarh.. Keep to the shadows and beware of the wild animals. Rest is in the hands of God. You might still live to see the sun tomorrow."

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