Chapter Twenty-One

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 "Have you gone mad, son? Are you seriously contemplating marriage with a courtesan?" Miriam asked her son with a contemptuous curl of her lips.

Hassan rubbed his tired eyes, wondering why this conversation was needed at all, before answering, "She is a kind and wonderful woman, mother. I can think of no better to marry."

"Huh..." she snorted in disgust. "I have spoken to the family of a suitable girl. They are wealthy and influential. Marriage to her would help you in expanding your business."

With an arm around her shoulder, Hassan tried to convince his mother. "I am in love with her and I am sure that she too loves me. I cannot think of marrying another. Do you wish a lonely life on me, Mother?"

"Of course not, my dear, but won't you reconsider? She is, after all, a foreigner who knows nothing of our culture and traditions. I doubt that she would be able to adapt to the life here."

His face resolute and with his back rigid, he faced his mother. "I have made up my mind, and I leave tomorrow morning to seek her hand in marriage. Nothing will make me change my decision now, Mother. Wish me luck that I may succeed in my endeavor."


"So, you mean to say that your wife flew at your assailant, striking him down and saving your life," Prithviraj asked in astonishment, his eyes rounded in wonder.

Harshvardhan gave him a jaundiced look. "That is what I have been telling you for the last so many minutes."

Prithviraj guffawed in laughter, holding his sides. "I have heard of damsels in distress, but you my friend have set a new precedent. Fancy being saved by the dainty hands of a fair maiden."

Harshvardhan found himself coloring. His friend was a rogue and a rascal but he liked him no end. They had spent their childhood together and sowed their wild oats in youth. They had even attended the same Gurukula.*

Wiping the tears running down his face, Prithviraj slapped his back, coming to sit on the window seat beside his friend. "There is a new dancer in town. What do you say that we pay her a visit?" he asked, his voice eager.

Harshvardhan shook his head. "I really don't think that I am interested."

"Why? Are you still besotted with your blue-eyed beauty?"

Harshvardhan glared at him, fuming silently. His friend was incorrigible, always thinking of women.

"Can we not talk of something else? Father has ordered a new temple to be built and I meant to discuss with you about...."

"But I wish to discuss Neelanjana," Prithviraj cut him off mid-sentence. "I have always fancied her secretly. I might seek out her company tonight..." he gave a leer, grinning widely. The next instant, Harshvardhan's sword rested against his neck.

"Stop your tomfoolery, man or you lose your head."

Still grinning, Prithviraj backed away, shaking his head. "Let your wife not hear of this, my friend. She will definitely not like it."


"You lose this time, my lord. You will have to fulfill the bet now," Priyadarshini rolled the dice and laughingly said to a scowling Harshvardhan. They were playing a game of dice in her chamber and he had won twice. Emboldened by it, he had bet to arrange for a performance by the new dancer in town, about whom everyone had been talking. Sadly for him, he lost the game.

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