Chapter 1

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Finally, after a long day I can go to my favourite place. "Nani!" I exclaimed just before running to her or should I say into her. Ahh heaven!

This bear hug of hers is what I crave the whole day. "Silly girl, leave me I have my customers waiting. Go and sit I have already prepared what you came here for." Nani said.

Just before I was about to say something I heard "All your love for your Nani huh. No one loves me; such a cruel world." What an overdramatic entry dude bravo; anyways here is my beloved Nanu.

"Aww! Nanu, you know already, I love you the mostest." I cooed my Nanu who was weeping dramatically while Nani left to the kitchen.

Nanu patted my head with affection and went after her like a lost puppy, even after so many years their love is no less.

I smiled and went to my favourite window side spot in our café "Sam Dreams". Yes, my Nani named her café after my name.

"Samu didi!" said my not so young seventeen-year-old brother Shashi aka Shashwat Shah. Just as I stood up I was taken in for a bear hug, oh sorry elephant hug.

"Ca- Can't br- brea- breathe!" with great difficulty I managed to whisper. Shashi loosened up a bit but didn't let go.

"Didi! I missed you sooo much" he said with a long 'so'. After a whole two minutes he finally let go and we sat on our seats.

"How are you? How was LA? Did you make friends there? Come on didi say something you were there for five years." There goes my little buddy bombarding me with questions.

Well! Yes, I did my Bachelor in Technology i.e., btech in LA. Why? You'll know. Anyways, my Nani wanted me back now for real so I couldn't say no to her well not anymore. So, here I am doing my Masters from Delhi.

Well, this is the major reason my Nani opened the café. I always loved wait a little correction, I always love (in all past present and future tense huh!) the cakes, pastries, breads... well whatever she bakes.

And not to forget my favourite Masala Chai made by just her can show you a different world!

Anyways, drifting back to my over-excited sulking little brother.

"Wait a second Mr. Shashwat Shah. I came back a week ago you are the one who came late to meet me." I said pouting resulting into him making a gloomy face.

While hanging his head low he said "Sorry didi, I didn't want to go to that school trip in Mumbai but Mumma forced me. I wanted to wait for you and ... "

He was going on in his gloomy voice I just stood up and hugged him again while he still seated on the chair.

"Didi knows everything champ no need to explain. Ahh! I so missed these hugs." I said releasing a long relieved breathe while he just tightened his hold and I could feel wetness on my shoulder.

Even while sitting he comes above my shoulder. What!

"Shashi!" I cooed while he just murmured a weak "I missed you." while pushing his face more into my shoulder. Aww! My baby brother will never grow up.

'He has grown from 5'1 to around 6'3 if you have noticed you know' uttered my subconscious mind oh so sarcastically. Wait, 'I myself am 5'8 like no less.' I countered and she went quiet.

'Hah! talking back to Sam is not possible'. I did a mental hair flip.

'What do you want me to counter when you yourself know the comparison between a 5'8 and a 6'3. Well, isn't the result on your shoulder itself babygirl.' mocked my subconsious brain with an invisible smug. While, all i could say was 'Wwwhaateeverrr' to shut it up.

"Who want chocolate cakes and all your favourite tea made by your lovely beautiful Nani!" Said Nanu excitedly receiving a smack on his shoulder from Nani on the last part while he just grinned making my beauty of a Nani blush.

Aww! Wait is this my third aww in last an hour? Dude I got to control.

Anyways, the usual me shouted "ME!!" getting away from my baby brother and running towards Nanu who has literally heaven in his hands. Quickly I took a piece chocolate cake devouring it in my mouth while my other hand was trying to grab my Masala Chai! My Nani laughed while shaking her head in disbelief. "She'll never change." She said showing a meaningful smile.

"Sam!" I heard the sweetest voice. I quickly turned around around seeing no other than the most adorable creature on this planet, my mom.

In less than a millisecond, I was in her arms while she was showering me with kisses all over my face.

This has been happening since a week now but anyways I don't mind but I love it! Come on I missed it so fucking much.

"How is my bacha?" said my one and only cutest and most handsome papa from behind mumma. "As you can see, in my best daddy." I said while giving him my three sixty degree look making him kiss my crown lovingly and I grinned.

Then, we all settled in the café like a happy-dappy family. While I wondered why did I miss my five years from here? Well, it was somehow because of him.

Not exactly like it was not his fault but my fault for loving him so much. Even now I do even after twelve years and three months. No one knows where he blew up in thin air.

That day whatever happened, no one knows.

After that day, I never saw him.


Nani: Maternal Grandmother
Nanu: Maternal Grandfather
Mumma: Mom
Papa: Dad
Didi: Sister
Bacha: Baby or Child

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