Chapter 5

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"Beta!" I heard an old voice making the other Sam turn.

"Coming Dadaji!" he said and hurriedly went away totally ignoring us... 'how rude!' thought I.

'I have heard this voice before.' thought I.

'Sam, don't you think we are here for quite some time now?' came a voice from my subconsious mind.

'Yeah! what's the timmmeee.' I said shifting my attention to the Patek Philippe on my hand and shoot I stretched the last word when I got to know it's fucking 11PM!

'OMG IT IS NOT LA YOU DUMB! ISHH SAM THIS TIME YOU ARE GONNA GET IT BAD BABY' mocked my subconsious mind making me gulp in horror.

'Sam! We are doomed baby congrats.' I replied.

"What are Sam number 2! Why are looking as if... umm well you know as if you a child caught, ha-ha!?" said Harshit making me glare it him first and then huff.

Wait did he just me 'Sam number 2'! 'Hey dude I am always number 1!' I thought but a voice inside me warned that this was not the time for this.

"Well! Thank you for all this, birthday boy, and wishing you a very happy birthday again but now I got to go, I am freaking late. Enjoy and bye!" I said in a hurry ready to rush out.

"Yeah, its late now how are you going to go? Wait a minute here, I'll get the keys and I'll drive you home, ok?" Offered Harshit but I declined politely.

"It's okay. I'll manage, you go to your friends now! And bye!" I said giving him a side hug leaving no option for him for any negotiation.

"Huh! Fine Sam number 2 but you are going to give me a call when you reach and reach safe, drive safe, be safe ok? Wait first give me your number!" he said and we exchanged numbers.

I left after that and driving the bike like a racer I am, I reached home in about forty-five minutes.

After messaging Harshit that I have reached and getting an instant 'ok goodnight and thankyou for coming today!' I entered home.

It was all dark. Seems like everyone slept already, huh thank God! I am safe yayay!

I started taking baby steps as quite and slow as I can towards the stairs to go to my room.

Just then all the lights came back and I knew what was coming next.

"Nani-Nani, My dearest Nani! How are you? All good? Oh, it's so late! We should sleep Nani" Yawning I continued "Ahh! See I am so very sleepy goodnight, Nani! Sweet dreams bye-bye!" I said while turning back like a kid caught of stealing a chocolate.

"Where were you?" Nani said strictly, totally ignoring my Oscar level speech. Ugh!

"Nani! I was coming back but the best friend of their grandson stopped me and wanted me to attend his party... I was saying NO, ok, I had no interest in dim lights, good mouth-watering food and sweaty handsome boys dancing their ass off... Yes, Nani absolutely zero interest. Huh! Bad kids these days you know... but Nani you know it is so hard for me to say NO on a BIRTHDAY especially to the BIRTHDAY boy as his BIRTHDAY wish." I said pressurizing more on the word 'birthday' again and again.

Nani huffed and moved closer to me moving her hand in my hair lovingly she said, "Beta ji! This is not your LA where people can stay out all night. This is India and we are concerned for your safety Sam. I know people of your age love to have fun and you should... Why not, it is good to have fun but beta everything has limits; if you cross that limits then the fun you people talk about can turn into bigger sins ok? It is not good to come home at 12PM. You will not do it again ok?"

I nodded like a good child and said, "Sorry Nani! I will not do it again!"

"My pyaara bacha!" Nani said lovingly while caressing my cheeks.

"Go now change your clothes and sleep ok! Goodnight beta!" Nani said moving towards her room.

"Goodnight Nani!" I said.

"Sam! Don't forget to brush your teeth before sleep and wash your sweety body which was having fun while moving against those sweety handsome boys in dim light!" She teased not turning back leaving me flustered.

"Nani!" I whined flushes making her laugh whole-heartedly.

I reached my room smiling.

When I opened my door and started moving towards the washroom my eyes caught a glimpse of horror!

I saw a shadow of a man hiding behind the curtains by the side of my bed near the window and I spotted a knife in his hand.

I came back in senses when he started coming of the curtains.

'HOLY SHIT! SAM RUN!' came a voice from within me and without wasting a single second I ran for my life.

I ran from my room to the stairs and I heard footsteps behind chasing me in a speed making terror grip my heart.

I ran as fast I could to reach the living room to switch on lights of the house which was currently dark as a graveyard.

As soon I switched on the switch and turned, a man in black with a black mask on his face, which was adorned with a big scar on his right side of forehead, came in my view, who was now just two feet away from me.

"Now, where will you go babygirl?" he mocked in his rough voice making a shiver run through my veins.

He just took one step towards me with the knife and 'Boom!' my daddy's door opened revealing my parents and I turned my face to look at them.

"Aish! I'll come back." He said in a frustrating voice and jumped out of the house from the window just beside me.

I was frozen at my place.

Abso-fuckin-lutely frozen!

My family members were rushing towards me shouting something like, 'Are you ok Sam? Did he harm you anywhere? Who was he? Did you see his face? Do you know him? Say something bacha?'

I regained my senses back when my I felt my mother shaking me vigorously by holding both of my shoulders.

"Are you alright beta?" she asked worriedly.

I could see black dots forming in front of my eyes while I was hearing some people shout my name in worry.

Seconds later the black dots gladly consumed me.


Beta/ Betaji: Child

Note: Usually we add a 'JI' after calling someone like in 'Betaji' to show respect or warmth.

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