Chapter 6

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'Beep-Beep!' I heard when I opened my eyes regardless of the throbbing pain in my head.

Instantly my hand went to my head and that's when I noticed the needle in my hand...

"What the-" and I couldn't complete my sentence or rather the curse because of of the arms that draped around my horizontal form.

"You scared me." She whispered.

I snapped out of my thoughts and they flew away to what happened a few hours ago... "OH MY GOSH!" I said.

"How is my bacha, you fine beta?" mom said checking me from all sides.

"I am fine mumma!" I said and she sighed in relief.

"How are you, didi?"

"How are you, Sam?"

"How are you, bacha?"

"How are you, beta?"

Damn! The door opened and a bunch oops a bulk of concerned people came in including Shashi, Amy, Nanu, Nani and Papa.

"I am not fine." I said making a sad pout and in a milli second...

"What happened?"

"Didi, where is it paining?"

"I'll call the doctor!"

"My bacha!"

Thundered all of them and I huffed.

"No need guys! Just take me fucking away from this fucking hospital." I exclaimed restlessly openly showing my distaste and hatred for being on this boring-est place!

"LANGUAGE!" they all said together.

I made a pout and said "Okay!" in a small voice.

"Nani! I wanna go away from here! Pretty please!?" I whined then pouted.

Everyone smiled and said together, "She'll never change" while shaking their heads.

"Yeah! Only he could make-" Shashi was saying but stopped when he saw everyone glaring at him.


"I don't want to stay here! Take me away from here!" the eight-year-old me shouted and started crying in the hospital.

He came to my side on the bed and hugged me.

He didn't say anything just moved his hand on my back in a soothing manner while I clutched his shirt with my tiny hands and cried at the discomfort of this place.

"I wanna go away from here." I kept repeating crying loudly and bitterly, wetting his shirt.

"I am here Myra; calm down baby!" he said and as if magic my tears stopped.

I lifted my face from his chest still clutching on him as if my life depended on him which actually did and do... I said "Take me away from here, pretty please?" with hopeful eyes looking directly into his emerald green orbs which were dripping with concern and many other incomprehensible emotions.

"Myra baby, can we please stay here one last day baby; it's important. Then when you heal tomorrow, we will leave and go back home. You don't need to worry baby I am here with you ok. I will not leave you, never." He said and hugged me back tightly.

I reciprocated his hug and melted in his warm arms closing my eyes.

Next time I opened my eyes was at around midnight when I was laying on his chest on the hospital bed and papa was sleeping on the nearby sofa in the room. I smiled looking at his most handsome and cute face.

I still remember how I clutched onto him with my eyes closed when he was moving away and I mumbled a 'Don't go', my family huffed and told him to sleep with me.

"Thank you!" I whispered and kissed him on his cheek and again cuddled with him. I felt him tightening his hold and then we both drifted back to sleep.


Everyone was looking at me with sad eyes and sad smiles.

They all knew what he meant to me.

To take away their mood away from this sad zone I said, "Do whatever you want but I am discharging today and now!" I said in authority.

Papa huffed and said "Yes commando!" and saluted.

"Now I know where the drama in my baby came from! So, you were the culprit Mr. Rudra Pratap Shah!" Mom exclaimed teasingly glaring at my poor dad while embracing me in her ward arms lovingly.

"Hehe! I'll go and prepare for, umm for, ahh, the discharge! yeah, the discharge, hehe." Papa said nervously and exited the room.

Just when he closed the door all of us laughed wholeheartedly.


I was finally getting discharged after waiting for a long-long hour.

"Mumma! I wanna pee!" I said smiling smugly.

"Beta! Washroom is there, go straight then turn to the first right, ok? Do you want me to come with you baby?" she said sweetly.

I declined politely kissing her on her cheek and started finding my way to the washroom.

"Come fast Sam; we are waiting." She said.

"Okay!" I replied and moved on.

"Washroom-washroom! Where are you my dear washroom?" I sang while finding it.

"There you are!" said I when I finally found it but just then one thing caught my eye.

"I have seen that granny somewhere! Where did I see her!" I said while thinking when I caught a glimpse for a milli second of an old lady going in a cabin in the there.

'Sam be quick you family is waiting.' My mind said and I quickly finished my business.

I came out of the washroom and started moving in the hallway while looking at my hands wiping them with my hanky with my name engraved on it.

I smiled looking at that... Yes, he gave me this on my ninth birthday!

"Ouch!" I exclaimed when I got collided with a wall.

'NOT AGAIN!' my brain said and I just sarcastically said, 'Yeah-yeah!'

I was about to fall when an arm snaked my waist and pulled me and that's when I collided with a chest.

'Why are these men so tall these days! Ughh!' my brain exclaimed and I agreed.

I looked up from his chest and... the world stopped!

"Adi!" I whispered when a lone tear escaped my eye followed my many more.

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