Chapter 2: Mostly Blood and Sweat

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Rayyan wanted to laugh out loud but couldn't. Not only did he risk looking like a lunatic in front of the stranger who was, apparently his wife, but this was really no laughing matter. Six months ago a blunder like this wouldn't matter very much. A quick annulment and maybe a fat check and then it would be over. 

But the situation had shifted significantly. After his little incident with a cop a month ago, he really couldn't afford to look erratic or unbalanced. If his mistakes hurt his company's image it could cost him millions of dollars. He was still in negotiations with a multinational who wanted to expand into the world of online gaming. Rayyan had worked too long and too hard to let the deal fall through because of one night of self-pity and hard liquor. 

He looked over at his bride, who was holding her head in her hands and muttering to herself. She didn't look crazy but extremely stressed. That was to be expected in this situation. Rayyan didn't consider himself an expert in human behavior but he knew the difference between a sane person in an insane situation and an insane person. 

It occurred to him at that moment that this was one of those moments when pulling out could only result in disaster. If he wanted to survive this he needed to go all in, which meant keeping the missus by his side for a while. It was just crazy enough to work. It was much easier to believe that they were caught up in a whirlwind romance than that they got drunk in a hotel bar and got married on a whim. It was just crazy enough to work, if he could convince her to play along. 

"So, your ex is a little crazy?" He'd caught that much. 

"Yeah, that's the whole reason why he's my ex. Look, uh..." she struggled to remember his name. 


"Right! Rayyan. I'm really sorry about all of this and I'm sure that we can get it all straightened out but I really need to get home. So, could we find the keys quickly?"

"What if I don't want to straighten it out?"

Unique looked up at him as if it just occurred to her that she might be chained to a psychopath. 

"Hear me out," Rayyan sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I have a deal coming up. The word is already out. I got married. Now I have two options. I can either admit that I was drunk and got married to a stranger on a whim, or I can let this play out for a while. I look like a settled man, a reliable man, and then they write fat checks in my name....which, as my wife, you are entitled to a portion of."

UNique scowled at his last statement. 

"Why would you think you can just buy me off like that?"

"I'm not buying you off. I'm just saying we both have a problem. I have an image problem and you have a money problem-"

"What makes you think I have a money problem!" It was obvious from her body language that she was offended, but as far as Rayyan could tell, now was not the time to worry about pride. They were both in trouble and the only way out was together. 

"Anybody who is that upset about a $600 dress or a $600 balance on their credit card has a money problem. Its okay to admit it. I've been there too," he assured her. 

Unique stared at hard. He was completely shameless, unflinching, and unfortunately...right. 

"You're a real asshole, you know that.," Unique growled, wanting to leave the room but terribly aware that she was still tethered to the condescending little shit. 

"ALSO," he continued "if you're running from your ex its safe to say that you're better off staying in the public eye for awhile. don't let him catch you on your own. There's nothing more public than standing beside a successful businessman. I also have private security and as my would be entitled to security as well."

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