Chapter 8: Damaged Goods

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Unique listened carefully as Rayyan made the phone call.

She couldn't make heads or tails out of what he was saying, only his tone gave her any clue about how the conversation was going. At one point, something that was said made both "messengers" laugh causing Unique to tense up and rais her metal pipe up to her shoulders. Having seen first hand what she was capable of, both men immediately stopped laughing.

The conversation went on for a few minutes, with Rayyan's outrage dissolving into a series of "Yes, ma" and "okay" until it seemed like he was simply humoring her.

He'd have to, Unique thought. If she's willing to send gangsters after her own son, she must be a real piece of work. It was clear to Unique that these men had no intention of causing any harm to them. In fact, she was starting to feel a little bad for letting loose on them.

"I'm sorry about your leg." she offered her apology as a token of peace. The man, still sitting on the ground clutching his knees managed a lopsided smile.

"Occupational hazard," said the guard.

"Maybe you need to find a new occupation?"

"After tonight, we may have to."

The three of them looked at each other and laughed silently. They'd gotten off to a rough start, but it's hard not to respect somebody who can knee-cap you while wearing an evening gown.

"No. I am not going to do that!" Rayyan said emphatically.

The messengers shook their heads at his words.

"What's the deal?" Unique asked.

"The boss is not going to like this. The only reason we're here is that everybody knows he's stubborn."


"So, his mother wants him to come home for a visit, and he refuses to set foot in that house. The last time he came home he stayed in a hotel," the driver wrinkled his nose with disgust.

"He doesn't really like his step-dad," Unique said it as a statement, but she was really fishing for info.

"That makes it sound mild. He hates the guy. I don't know why, but it's deep," the guard added.

"And can tell him stop sending his goons to try and strong arm me. They'll just come back injured," he said, hanging up the phone without waiting for a reply.

Walking over to the group, he handed the phone back without another word.

"Are you okay," Rayyan looked down a Unique's legs. Her knees were scratched up pretty bad but the adrenaline was still coursing through her veins, dampening the pain.

"I'm fine," UNique threw the rusty bar to the ground.

"Enzo, let's take her home," Rayyan said, scooping her up off of her bare feet and walking back to the banged-up sedan Enzo arrived in.

"what about them?" Unique wondered, not bothering to fight Rayyan's display of chivalry.

"Let them find their own ride," he growled, the muscle in his jaw jumping. Unique shrugged her shoulders and rested wrapped her arms around his shoulders, allowing herself to be the princess in her very own fairy tale, even if just for a moment.

"I'm heavy," she said, as they approached the car.

"I know."

"You'll hurt your back," she protested, climbing into the backseat.

"Then I'll have to get a stronger back." Rayyan followed her as Enzo started the engine and pulled away from the train yard. "You were amazing tonight."

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