Chapter 6: More Than A Bargain

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"Come on, let's take a photo," Unique beckoned Rayyan out to the balcony. He complied, putting an arm around her waist and smiling genially as she snapped a selfie with her cell phone. With the night sky above and the glittering city skyline behind them, they looked like any couple in love.

"What's this for?"


"I thought you were trying to lay low," he smirked.

"Yeah, well, you see how well that's been going. And after tonight, I figure, what am I waiting for?"

Unique thought she knew what envy looked like, but she'd never seen it in all of its manifestations until that night. In many ways, this banquet was like every high school dance or homecoming event she's ever attended. It made her realize how much people are alike.

"So? Did you get what you came here for?"

Rayyan looked at her with a half smile.

"Yeah. I think I did. I at least managed to convince all the concerned parties that you are my wife and not the result of a hazing incident gone wrong."

"Good job, hubby," Unique smiled happily. "Beleive it or not, this is the most carefree evening I have had in a long while."

"I believe it," Rayyan says, letting himself bask in the glory of his success. Another crisis averted. Another crisis wholly of his own making, but that was not the point. Not tonight at least. Although he didn't particularly care for any of these people, what they thought of him mattered more than it should. Some old habits die hard.

Unique excused herself to the ladies room, leaving Rayyan on the balcony waiting for here. He had no intention of going back in alone. That was just asking for trouble.

"Well look who showed up. I would've thought that your new bride would have you chained to her bed somewhere by now." Mark Temple, a man Rayyan had done business with in the past, sauntered out of the crowd and onto the balcony.

The evening was still young but it was obvious that he was already tipsy. His pink cheeks and relaxed gait gave him away with one glance. Rayyan smiled at the old man. Though he was loud and brash, even when he was sober, he had been a good business partner and a good mentor.

"I think she prefers me in a tux," Rayyan said, offering the man his hand.

"As well she should. You look damned good in it too. If I were a few decades younger I'd give her a run for her money. Besides, men always look much more impressive when they're dressed. It covers all the soft and pink spots, you see," he chortled.

"That it does," Rayyan laughed. The two men chatted happily for a few second before another man made his way out of the crowd and headed straight towards Rayyan and Mark.

Rayyan's smile and good mood immediately dried up. Mark, in his inebriated state, didn't even notice.

"Oh yes, Rayya, have you met Razul. I recently had the pleasure of working with him and his company. They really are very innovative. Cybersecurity and that kind of thing. I don't know much about it but I thought you two should meet,"' Mark said.

"We've met," Rayyan said flatly, extending his hand to the smirking intruder.

"Oh good," Mark said, looking up as if he'd just been summoned by a dinner bell.

Rayyan watched as Mark walked away as suddenly as he came, dithering on to himself about something that probably would've been coherent had they not decided to serve sherry at dinner.

"I didn't think you'd have the guts to show up here," Ramzul said as soon as the old man was out of earshot.

"I didn't think that old men like Mark were your style. Didn't your taste usually run to leggy blondes?"

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