Chapter 16: The Great Escape

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By the time the article appeared on Simon's blog the news was out. I was a married man with a beautiful wife whose past was troubled but whose future held nothing but good things. Unique got ahead of the story with her grandmother and managed to set up a video call with the sexagenerian who cried and clapped her hands at the news.

"I've been praying for you so much I almost wore my knees out. I had my prayer group lift you up in prayer every day, just hoping you'll be safe from that crazy man. I knew the Lord would send you a guardian angel. I just didn't expect..." she wiped tears off of her cheeks. Despite her age and the difficulties of her life, Mrs. Gregory looked like she was 15 or 20 years younger than her age. She looked closer to my mother's age and was just as sharp and spry as many women half her age.

"You treat my grandbaby right. You hear me! Don't make me have to get my gun," she says, brandishing a chrome plated pistol that looks like a prop from an old cowboy movie.

"I can't believe you still have that thing," Unique says, laughing at the old lady's antic.

"of course I do. I put my trust in the Lord and my pistol in my purse. You're just lucky I never got my hands on that stoogy, or roofy, or boopy or whatever his name was," she said. "Did she tell you what that fool did to her face. I got a call from her one night and she could hardly speak her face was so swollen. She called to tell me she was leaving him because he hit her and not to answer him if he called looking for her. I was so mad I could've had a stroke here in this house by myself. But she's going to be alright. She's strong. "

"Yes, ma'am, she is." I squeezed her hand and she looked at me like I was the only man in the world. For a moment I let myself pretend that this isn't all for the show. I let myself pretend that her adoring glances come from her heart and not from her gratitude.

Maybe I really am a changed man. I'm learning how to lie to myself.

The article hit on a Wednesday, by the Friday we had her new passport. Our flight was Saturday evening. As the hours ticked by I became more and more anxious. Not only was I going to face my family, I couldn't shake the feeling that things were going too smoothly for us. Other than a little scare, Smoochie had not demonstrated the cunning and manipulation that he was known for. It was possible that we were just moving too fast for him to catch up with us. but my luck has never been so good.

"I think we have everything. I feel like we are traveling light," Unique says, zipping up the last of the luggage and attaching the locks and tags.

"We are. There will be plenty of time for shopping when we get there. That's practically all that my mother does. Shop and look elegant in front of the cameras," I roll my eyes.

"I'm sure there's more to it than that," she says with a smile.

"Me too. when you find what it is, be sure to let me know."

Enzo arrives to drive us to the airport and sighs dramatically.

"I'm sure it will fit int he trunk," I say, pre-empting his complaint. Enzo makes a dramatic show of lugging the heavy bag into the elevator and taking it down to the car. The truth is that he is upset because he won't be going on this trip. For all of his stoicism, Enzo is a very sentimental guy, and he hates the idea of leaving me alone to face the fury of my step-father.

I, on the other hand, think that we are choosing the lesser of two evils. Leong Liu Wei is the least of my concerns.

I follow Enzo down to the street with the last of the luggage. Unique trails behind me, checking every window and locking the doors meticulously. Seeing the uncertainty in her eyes twists a knife in my gut. There are moments when she takes my breath away with her confidence and astute mind. I watch her parse through complicated files, resolve conflicts and crunch numbers with ease. I watch her sit in her chair and use a tiny watercolor set she bought on one of our rambles through the city to paint brilliant landscapes from her mind. But, when it comes time to venture out into the world, her whole demeanor changes.

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