Chapter 07

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Chapter Seven - Birthday


Yesterday I went to bed early to sleep. I had read the whole book on advanced dark arts, learning occlumency was going to be a headache, but it would be necessary.

I asked Cherry to make me some valerian tea, it was going to make me fall asleep faster than expected. As there was so much tension built up, my body wouldn't resist the sleeping pill and I would fall asleep on the sheets.

When I woke up, I saw a beautiful sunrise through the window. I decided to sneak out of my room, what better day than to start the day flying through the sky while the sun was rising?

I left the mansion and went to the backyard. During my birthdays, my brothers would come to me and sing me mañanitas, I was going to miss that. I was no longer on the other side of the world, in a poor and corrupt country. I was now living in England, Great Britain, I doubt the English would know what ranchers or salsas were. I was going to miss the carnival.

But instead of dwelling on my past life, I decided to start my own birthday by singing to myself

This is "Las Mañanitas"

that King David sang

to the pretty girls;

As we sing them to you.

Wake up, my love, wake up.

Look at what has dawned,

Already the little birds are singing,

The moon already went in.

How pretty is the morning

In which I come to greet you.

We all came with pleasure

and joy to congratulate you.

On the day you were born

All the flowers were born.

At the baptismal font

The nightingales sang.

It is starting to be dawn,

The day has given us light.

Get up in the morning,

Look at what has already dawned.

I would like to be a little sunlight

To go in through your window

And tell you "Good Morning"

While you're lying in your bed.

I would like to be Saint John,

I would like to be Saint Peter,

To come sing to you

with music from heaven.

With jasmine and flowers

Today I come to greet you,

Today being your Saint's Day,

We came to sing to you.

The cake would be in front of me, Chris and Brandon singing along with me.

Now I do thank you for your favor, Mr. Serene Man

Light up your indemnity

It's all over now my love

Golden Amapolita from the plains of Tepic

If you're not in love, fall in love with me

Wake up my well awake

Look, it's already dawn

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