Chapter 08

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Chapter Eight - Lucius


I feel I don't know my son anymore...

- "Lucius, dear, will you pass me my shopping?" - We were in the Muggle world a few minutes ago. It was... Something interesting to see.

- "Of course dear," - I opened my spell bag and took out all the bags. Draco had ordered a lot of books, their lining was thick and the amount of pages made your eyes hurt.

- "Draco did ask for a lot" - My wife looked at the mountain of books with a slight headache - "Then there's this thing" - My son asked to buy a lato? Mayo? I didn't know what that thing was called, but it was one of those muggle things that's hard to use, there were also little pictures, with picture prints, and it said music record - "It's weird that Draco asked for all this. From the books I get it, but this..." - Narcissa grabbed the two boxes of Muggle objects.

- "Then we'll ask Draco"

- "You're right, I'm going to the kitchens."

- "What? What for? We've already eaten!"

- "Lucius, dear, our baby hasn't blown out the candles on a cake yet. I have something special in mind, I'll talk to you later!"

I didn't know what my wife had in mind. What I did know was that my son was acting strange. And what I missed the most was his previous way of being, that calm air that surrounded him made me uneasy.

In the evening Draco came over to my study, his things had been left on the small living room table. Draco was excited, he even smiled like he used to, my heart contracted in pain. Why wasn't he smiling like he used to? Where was the boy who was trying to get my attention? Why did my son seem to have vanished and now there was a stranger before my eyes?

- "Dad" - I snapped out of my thoughts, a little uneasy to have him in front of me - "Thank you, Dad. I love you very much."

My son jumped on me and hugged me, with that big smile on his face.

As soon as we parted, Draco took all the things and took them to his room. I told him Narcissa would call him later, my son nodded with a smile on his face.

When he left a melancholy feeling settled in my chest. Gone was the boy who smiled, gone was the boy who threw tantrums, my son had been dead for a month and four days.

It's ironic because previously I wished Draco was quieter and less spoiled but now that he has become quieter and less spoiled, I feel a great loss in my heart.

Humans are selfish, there is never enough for us. Draco had always been the heir I always wanted but he was never as perfect as I wanted him to be, just dumber and more idiotic. Sometimes I wondered why he wasn't the boy I wanted so much. Now that I had the kind of heir I wanted, I didn't feel good, I felt sad. Because my son was no longer the child I once carried.

Within the hour my wife called me to the dining room through Winky, her personal elf, I went to the dining room. Where my radiant wife stood with a small cake and a small candle lit on it.

- "Come Lucius. Let's go and see if we can surprise Dragon."

We went up to Draco's room, I opened the door slowly. I found my son looking through one of the Muggle books I bought him, and when he saw us enter he opened his mouth in surprise.

- "Happy birthday, my love!" - Narcissa felt the loss too, she felt it. My wife had spent more time with our son and she knew he had changed.

- "Thanks, Mum!"

Draco got up and came over to blow out the candles. His eyes were sparkling with happiness, he looked at us and I saw a little twinkle that reminded me of my son's old self.

We walked out of the room, Draco was coming along beside us and we arrived at the dining room. Where one of the kitchen elves brought a knife, plates, and spoon to cut the cake.

Draco was happy, that was good.

Maybe... Maybe I shouldn't have wished for a perfect heir. Maybe I should have just loved the son I already had, and I know... That Narcissa wished the same thing. We both wanted the old Draco back...

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