Chapter 09

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Chapter Nine - Oclumancy


I was very happy, I got everything I wanted for my birthday. The laptop, the music discs, the music player, an external memory, a mobile phone, and my books.

I was absentmindedly using my mobile phone until it ran out of battery when I wanted to plug in the charger I remembered that wizards don't use electricity.

Argh, that sucks!

I had no choice but to improvise. I looked in spells, some that could generate electricity or at least a source of energy to recharge the battery of my phone. I found something in an advanced spell book, it was going to be hard to do that, but I tried anyway. Furthermore, I looked for some materials to make a small box, that box would be a kind of battery to charge my phone.

Firstly the spell was not to charge a phone, it was a spell that caused electricity, an offensive spell of great power that only expert wizards used. I had to devise a way to soften the spell and turn it into a harmless spell that would only cause electricity on a low scale.

As I was collecting the material, it occurred to me that maybe I could cast the spell and create my battery using spell jewelry. If I spelled a piece of jewelry and turned it into a power source, I could charge my battery!

Thinking about it, I went to find Mum and asked her for some jewelry that she wouldn't like, plus I remembered that I wanted to make some sort of heirloom to transform.

I had thought about a ring, but then I remembered that that was only worn by girls, and it looked very strange on a boy. Then a pendant, but that would be too obvious, so I thought of a bracelet.

- "Mum, do you have any unused jewelry?" - I found Mum reading a book in one resting area.

- "Mmm, I think so, but I'd have to check my jewelry box. What do you want a piece of jewelry for?" - Mum asked.

- "I want to do a little experiment"

- "Mmm okay"

I walked with Mum to her room, I was excited. I had to have a jewel and a bracelet to create what I wanted.

Mother rummaged through her jewelry box, I was impressed that she had so many things, I saw many bracelets, necklaces, and even diamonds in her jewelry box. Among her jewelry I saw bracelets, adorned with flowers or sparkling stones, among those bracelets I saw one that was just pure silver, with no stones, no flowers, I took this one. Mum narrowed her eyes.

- "Draco, do you want that?"

- "Yes, I do. I want a little jewel and a bracelet. I'll experiment, I don't know if it will work, but I still want to try it."

- "Draco, I'm reminding you that you don't know magic. Don't do anything stupid, or your father will be upset. Last time, you almost burned down an entire room."

- "Hehehe ok..."

I didn't think Draco would do something like that. It means Draco had a bit of sense and learned things on his own.

Mother handed me two small pieces of badly worn jewelry, they were dull. They looked nice, but Mother said they were a bridal shower gift from a person she wasn't very close to, so she was only giving them to me because Mother didn't like that person.

With luck on my side, I ran to my room.

I took my notes and the book of advanced incantations, I knew that one could modify spells but for that one had to have the ability and creativity to modify them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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