Chapter 02

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Chapter Two - Facing reality


When she woke up it was night, it was strange to feel that you are in another bed, in another world, with another family that is not your family, but simple strangers in this life.

Draco sighed with tiredness, she could no longer think like Aida, she pinched her cheek and even looked for a needle in the chest of drawers in her room and pricked her finger.

Nothing, absolutely nothing happened, when she thought about leaving she felt a noise at the front door, someone had entered.

- "Draco, honey" - It was the woman who would be her mother.

She felt no emotions, guilt lay in his heart, this was not her mother, however, she felt she owed her respect for being the mother of this child.

- "Good night, Mother" - She forced herself to call out for what was rightfully hers.

Narcissa looked worriedly at her son, her baby never said goodnight, he simply called her mother and hung on her, he was a very spoiled and happy child but suddenly he seemed to vanish into thin air.

- "Is dinner ready?" - He asked.

Gods he was having a hard time acting normal, he didn't know how this kid acted at home, whether he was cocky or calm. But more he felt he was cocky, but he couldn't put on this kind of act because he was never like that.

- "Yes, honey. Come on"

- "Okay..."

On her way out Draco took his mother's hand. Narcissa was surprised but when she saw those crystal clear, pure eyes she felt some of her concern melt away.

They walked in comfortable silence but as they reached the dining room Draco felt like he was going to choke under the pressure.

His, now, father had an imposing aura, of a sovereign and noble lord, Draco understood why the brat admired this guy but he felt that at the same time, he was an idiot. Looking on the bright side, his father was very pretty, in many ways, the actor who played Lucius Malfoy was clearly likable but he didn't come close to Lucius Malfoy, and to think there were such beautiful men in the books.

That reminded him of King Thranduil, this Lucius had a similar look to Thranduil but I would say his features were softer, snow pale hair and platinum eyes, a small nose, and crimson lips. Truly his father was beautiful, I wouldn't be able to tell if he was male or female if it weren't for his cold eyes and raised chin.

- "Dad..."

Lucius looked at his son, seeing those crystalline and pure eyes made him feel relief but at the same time there was something that worried him, it was the calm air around his son. Every time he saw his son he felt a playful and pampered air but now he couldn't feel any of that.

As Draco sat down at the table he ate his food very calmly, he didn't notice that both elders were watching his movements and it caused the calm anxiety in their hearts to light up like a bonfire.

Draco on the other hand was thinking about the things that were to come in the future, it wouldn't be easy to act low key and he didn't think he would make friends easily, not with the family history he carried on his back.

When he finished he was going to stand up and say thank you but he saw the worried and anxious look of the adults that a hole formed in his stomach, soon he felt that the food was going to be expelled from his body and be replaced by bile.

- "Is something wrong?" - He asked cautiously, even tilting his head to one side. It was a gesture of his habit.

- "Draco, son, are you feeling all right?" - His father asked with a voice full of anxiety and a serious look.

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