(MQ) Playing Games (SWK)

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Gosh, this is a cringy chapter to me. But it's also cute so don't come at me.

"Why am I letting you drag me into this?" Red Son asked, his arms folded as Mei literally dragged him into the room.

"Oh come on, Red Son. It'll be fun!" I chirped in excitement. I'd recently found out about a new game I wanted to try with everyone.

Sadly though, Pigsy and Sandy were ever busy, and I couldn't find Tang. Guess he was still a little salty over the last game we played.

"It's a team game right?" Mk clarified as he sat down on one of the cushions I'd set up on the floor.

"Yup. We need to pass this card down the line." I explained, while holding up the card.

"That sounds a little too easy to be a (Y/n) game." Red Son arched a skeptical brow, making me giggle.

"You'd be right. You can't use your hands. You gotta hold it like this." I then pressed the card to my lips so it was flat and sucked so it wouldn't fall.

"That's...how are you doing that?" He asked, squinting at me as I took the card off and giggled.

"You need to suck in so the card doesn't slip." Macaque said from behind me. I jumped, having forgotten he was there.

"Right!" I nodded, pretending that he hadn't just startled me. But Sun Wukong chuckled at me from where he was seated.

Mei plopped down next to Mk while Red Son also took the seat at the end. Which left two seats next to The Monkey King.

"Why don't we start the game off with you Red Son." I suggested, handing him the card.

The red head made a face, but snatched the card, wiping it off. I laughed before heading over to the other end. Macaque had sat at the other end of the line, so I sat between him and Wukong.

"Alright, whenever you're ready Red Son." I called down the line. Watching with glee as he tried to get the card to stay without the use of his hands.

When he got it, he made a motion of triumph before Mei squished their faces together, easily taking the card, and leaving Red Son, rather red.

Next she passed it to Mk, who transitioned it easily to his mentor.

Wukong then turned to me and I tried to get a good hold. But he let go before I could.

"Hey, that's pretty easy." He said to the front of the line, where as I was playing something of a balancing game with the card that was slipping around my face.

I couldn't use my hands to steady the card either, and I was starting to feel like a seal with a ball on their nose. Those guys don't get nearly enough credit. It's hard.

"Just pass it." Macaque said, though I could hear the amusement in his voice. I garbled a squeak as I tried to quickly pass it. But the card slipped before I could pin it between our mouths. Which left our lips to crash together by accident.

Immediately, I pulled away, facepalming.

"I'm sorry! I didn't get a good enough grip on it." I apologized, laughing loudly. But this time, it wasn't so funny. Macaque was pink in the face with wide eyes, not having moved from my attempt to pass the card, and I felt my ears start burning.

I probably should have seen this as a risk when playing the game. In hindsight, maybe wasn't the best idea.

"What happened?" Red Son leaned forward. Wukong burst out laughing.

"Wow! I can't remember the last time I saw that color on you Macaque."

Rubbing my face, I managed to rid myself of the burning sensation in my ears, but Macaque looked away with an annoyed expression.

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