Do you need help? (Pigsy)

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"Mornin, Pigsy!" I chimed as I walked into Pigsy's Noodles. The pig shot up from the counter with a start.

"Pigsy's Noodles! Home of the longest, uh..oh, hey (Y/n)." He said, seeming to finally realize who I was. I raised a brow at him.

"Jee, Pigsy. Feeling alright there?" I asked, coming to sit on one of the bar stools.

"Yeah, yeah. Just fine." He said simply, clearing his throat.

I gave him a skeptical look before smiling. "So how's Monkie?"

As if summoned by his nickname, the little ball of energy barreled down the stairs in an empty sack. Giggling all the way down the stairs. Pigsy only sighed as he reached the bottom.

"Let me guess, kid's got you running in circles, huh?" I smirked at the pig. But He only turned up his nose.

"I'm not afraid of a little hard work. Besides, it's good exercise." He told me when Monkie rolled out of his sack and ran over to me.

"(Y/n)!" He cheered, letting me scoop him up to sit on my shoulders.

"Hey! How my little Monkie?" I asked, tickling him lightly. He giggled and squirmed on my shoulders as I returned my attention to Pigsy, who had a little smile as he watched the kid.

"I know you're not scared, but you do look really tired Pigsy. Why don't I watch Monkie for ya for a while?" I suggested, making the Pig snort.

"Oh come on (Y/n), I couldn't ask you to do that. You've got school."

"And I'm caught up with all my assignments." I waved a hand before getting up. "Just for a couple of hours. You just worry about the shop, maybe get a few winks of sleep. I'll keep the little guy entertained and safe. I promise!" I spoke, while already heading out the door. "Ok bye Pigsy, enjoy!"

After dashing back out the door with Monkie in toe, I looked up at him while crossing the street.

"Alright Monkie, where too?"

The little boy threw his arms up in the air. "Comic store! Arcade! Party floow!" He shouted, dancing about on my shoulders.

"Okidoo, you're the boss."


The sky was dark when we returned to the restaurant, and the sign was turned off. But Pigsy had left the back door open for us.

Monkie was asleep on my head, with comics bundled in my arms. I took the little tike up to bed and tucked him in. Lastly setting the comics on the desk before heading back downstairs.

"Have fun?" Pigsy asked, just exiting the kitchen. I set my hands on my hips.

"Did you?"

Pigsy made a bit of a face. "I hate to admit it. But the time away from the kid was just what I needed..thanks (Y/n)."

"No problem, Pigsy. If you want, I could watch him during busy days." I offered, but he shook his head.

"I'm not letting you get out of school work to babysit." He said firmly, and I laughed.

"Alright, how about weekends?"

"On your breaks? Are you sure?"

"Please, relaxing and playing with Monkie is just what I need. You won't even have to pay me."

Pigsy looked tempted by that offer, and eventually stuck out his hand. I grasped it firmly with a shake.

" get outta here and get yourself to bed. Tang says you two have an exam tomorrow mornin, and it's well past a reasonable bed time for you."

Laughing again, I nodded.

"Sounds good. I'll see you later Pigsy. Good night." I waved before heading out the door. Leaving the Pig to turn out the last of the shop lights. He watched me cross the street through the shop window before sighing.

"G'Night (y/n)."

Thought I'd give the dad of the group a little time to shine in this chapter. I'm sorry to say though, that these chapters most definitely won't be constant for a while yet. But again, I try to post something each week, whenever I can.

I'd also like to thank you all for reaching 7k reads. Thank you all so much for reading my little stories!

Have a lovely Evening, and Happy Holidays!
G'Night Stars


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