(SWK)I'm ok..maybe(MQ)

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I coughed heavily before groaning as I pulled the blanket higher. My throat was burning and my nose was runny, but the worst part was...I was out of snacks.

Don't worry, I wasn't eating anything terribly sugary. I'm responsible! But I'd run out of salty and savory snacks.

"What to do." I mumbled to myself before picking up my phone. Perhaps I could order something?

"You feeling any better, (Y/n)?" When I looked up and saw Macaque standing next to me bed, I coughed a little before smiling. I'd have been more surprised if he hadn't been checking in on me periodically.

"I'm fine." I assured him when he set a bag on my blankets.

"I brought you something from Pigsy's. He said it would help." He told me as I sat up to open it.


Braized pears and rock sugar, with a complimentary bowl of noodles.

"This looks delicious. Thanks Macaque!" I beamed at him. "I'd hug you, but I don't want you to get sick."

He chuckled, glancing away. "Yeah, well. That's alright. I don't get sick too easy." He said softly, making me giggle. But as I was still wary, I refrained from embracing the monkey and instead began to enjoy the dishes he brought me.

Every bite seemed to satisfy me a little more. But once I was finished, it was still sad to see it all gone.

"Maybe I should've brought more." Macaque hummed once seeing my pout. But I shook my head.

"While I wouldn't mind another bowl of noodles, I should probably let my stomach settle before eating anymore. Thank you again. It was delicious!"

A knock sounded as Macaque assured me it was no big deal.

Getting out of bed, I headed for the front door, but Macaque followed with an unsure frown.

"Should you be out of bed?" He asked, but I waved a hand.

"I'll get back in bed in a minute." I told him with a smile. It was cute how he worried. When I opened the door, I smiled at the simian standing outside.

"Hey, (Y/n). I heard you were sick, so I brought something over to cheer you up!" Sun Wukong smiled before seeing Macaque. His smile twitched, but he didn't drop it.

Well, he wasn't glaring daggers at Macaque, that's progress.

"Didn't expect to see you here." He said to Macaque. The darker furred monkey folded his arms.

"I could say the same for you. Usually you don't really care enough to send care packages."

Monkey King stuck his tongue out at him before handing me the box.

"Oh, you two." I giggled before opening the box. Inside where nestled several moon cakes, steaming and fresh.

I was practically drooling when the box was snatched out of my hands.

"Are you kidding? We're trying to help her get better. These will only feed her cold!" Macaque scolded Wukong, the Monkey King glared back.

"Oh yeah? And what disgusting brew have you been feeding her?" He shot back as I stepped between the two.

"It's a good thing your immortal, cause if you ever got sick, I doubt you'd know how to tend to yourself." Macaque growled as I set a hand on each simian's shoulder.

"Alright, how about we calm down and have some tea or something?" I suggested. Normally the change in topic would distract the monkeys, but not today.

Wukong suddenly scooped me up like a princess, and hopped outside. I was fully aware of how strong the stone Monkey was, but I was still surprised. I was rather large and definitely did not get picked up too often.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). I'll save you from his bad taste." Sun smirked before we were off on his cloud. He moved like I weighed nothing at all.

I squeaked in surprise at his actions and held on for dear life as we sped away, when the overwhelming wind made my throat flare and I started to cough and hack terribly. Wukong immediately slowed down, looking at me in worry as we drifted back to the ground.

I tried to smile, and tell him I was fine. But I couldn't seem to catch back my breath without losing it to the coughing fit. Tears stung my eyes when I finally stopped and when I looked up at the Monkey King, he looked very guilty.

"I'm ok." I croaked with a smile as he sat down with me in his lap.

"Alright..Sorry about that." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess I really don't know what I'm doing. You mortals are just so fragile." He huffed as I set my head on his shoulder.

"That's true." I laughed hoarsley.. "But I still appreciate the effort."

He cracked a smile as he looked at me. "Yeah?"

"Of course. You coming to check on me was so sweet." I told him, giving him a hug. He couldn't die, so I wasn't too worried about getting him sick.

He hugged me back.

"See what happens when you're so careless?" We both looked over at Macaque as he appeared from the shadows.

"Yeah, I get hugs!" Wukong stuck his tongue out at him sassily before squeezing me tighter. I giggled as Macaque frowned and rolled his eyes.

"Look, (Y/n) can have as many moon cakes as she wants, after she gets better." The dark furred simian said as Sun and I looked at each other.

"Yeah, yeah." Wukong sighed as I gave him one last hug.

"Cmon, I really need to get back to bed." I told him as Macaque stepped forward as if to take me. But Wukong stood up, holding me away from the other monkey.

"I can take her back." He said stubbornly, to which Macaque held up his hands in surrender.

"Fine, Mr. Immortal." He taunted before disappearing into a portal.

Sun took me back on his cloud. But made sure to go slower than before. I made it home in one piece, and did very good in not eating the mooncakes until I was feeling better.

However, I soon learned that being Immortal, didn't actually make him immune to sickness. Sun caught my cold full on, and it caused him to have to put a pause on Mk's training.

I felt guilty, but he assured me that he still didn't regret the hugs he got.

Even so, I made sure to make it up to him by visiting the Monkey King and give him plenty of braizen pears. I just didn't tell him where I got the idea from.

This was a rather specific request from chibiTheWitch I hope I did it justice, lovely Star.

Link for the Song: https://youtu.be/ItkkTerzTAw

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