7 years old,
I rushed out of the house to the little white haired kid waiting on the path.
"Ao lie!" I tackled him in a hug, toppling us over into the grass where we laughed together.
"Hi (Y/n)." He giggled before getting up, and helping me to my feet. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. So we ran off to play, hand in hand.
"Show me! Show me!" I chirped in excitement as the little boy took us to our favorite hiding place.
"Ok..mmm!" He shut his eyes in concentration before a cloud of green flung my hair back. When it cleared, a big dragon was coiled in front of me. I squealed happily, clapping my hands.
He moved around me, dancing in a circle as I continued to giggle, until he scooped me up on his back and took to the sky.
"Faster!" I cried with glee. Throwing my hands in the air.
Faster he went, until he tried to get higher, coiling in a tight spiral. I lost my breath, then my grip.
11 years old,
Running out to the path, I tackled Ao lie in a big hug, to which he laughed and spun around to avoid falling over. But when he set me down, I spotted his older brother standing only a little ways away.
"Ao Guang." I tensed, smiling nervously.
"I have business with your father." He told me and I nodded, taking him into the house. Once we were inside, he stopped me. "I appreciate you greeting my brother, (Y/n). But perhaps in the future, try to refrain from such boisterous affection. It's not becoming of a woman from your house." He told me. To which I nodded in embarrassment. His expression softened a little.
"I'm trying to protect you, (Y/n). In my own way." He tried to explain. To which I nodded again.
"I understand. Truly, I do." I told him, to which he sighed before heading into my father's study.
Once he was gone, I quickly headed back out to Ao lie. But this time, I didn't run.
20 years old,
"You're leaving?" I asked, to which Ao lie laughed, scratching the back of his head.
"I've been asked to escort a monk to the west. It's very important, (Y/n). I promise I wouldn't be leaving if it wasn't."
I bit my lip before looking down. He tipped my chin up, tilting his head with a soft smile.
"Don't worry, (n/n). I'll be back before you know it." He assured me. To which I stared at him, trying to resist the tears in my eyes.
"Can you...take care of something for me? You can return it when you get back, if you want."
He nodded. "Of course!"
Leaning closer, I quietly pecked his lips. His eyes went wide at my actions, when his face lit up, his cheeks turning bright pink.
"You. I can-?! Ah-heh. Yes! I'll surely return it!" He said rather loudly, making me giggle.
"When you return."
"Yes, when I return! I will! I promise." He told me, clasping my hands in his.
One final hug, and then he was off. I watched him go, watching until I couldn't see him anymore.
Then I let the tears fall. I hoped he would come back, just like he had said.
7 years later,
"But father-"
"I promise you, (Y/n). This man will suit you very well." I was told as I stood in my father's study. My hands were clasped in front of me, my knuckles nearly white.
Ao lie hadn't returned, and now I had a betrothed. My father wouldn't even tell me who he was. Not yet at least. As if telling me less would do me good.
I excused myself quietly before heading out to Ao lie and I's favorite hiding spot.
Normally, I came here to watch for him, but now I came to hide, to cry, and to remember the times we had here.
"Why are you crying?"
I tensed at the voice before turning to look at the entrance of the hiding spot. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Ao lie stood there with a bag over his shoulder. Which he set down as he stepped closer. When he stood in front of me, I got up, quickly hugging him tight. But he didn't even flinch back as he wrapped his arms around me. He was even taller than I remembered, and his hair was long and soft.
"You're back." I choked through a mix of tears, both joyous and sad.
"I'm sorry I made you wait so long."
I shook my head. I didn't care. He was here, and that's all that mattered.
Your father's P.O.V:
I looked at the note my servant brought me. Telling me (Y/n) still loved me, and would visit when she could.
"They've gone to elope." They told me nervously. But I simply chuckled.
"I suppose I should have told her, but Ao lie insisted it be a surprise...no matter. I'm sure they will be very happy together." I sighed, setting the letter on my desk. Then I chuckled again, shaking my head.
"Just like her mother."
Link for the Song: https://youtu.be/eXWj9mcn7PY

Still My Heart: Lmk One Shots
FanfictionThis is just little stories with different characters. Some may be romantic, others just adorableness, or sadness. It's a real gamble with these chapters. Care to roll the dice?