Heart break

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"I'm breaking up with you" as I said this I saw her eyes widen in shock as she could not believe what I just said.

"What do you mean you're breaking up with me?"

"I mean I'm breaking up with you because I have no need for you anymore. I thought you could become the greatest student in this school surpass them all but you can't not if I'm around you and that's why I need you to hate me and once you have gotten over ur feelings use your hate to beat me one day." After I said this I started to walk away from her but she grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me towards her with hatred in her eyes like they wanted to kill me then and there. She motioned her hand into a fist about to punch me and I let her hit me just this once but there won't be a next time not until she can surpass everyone in this school and face me as an equal which I'm not sure she's capable of now as she is.

Kikyo Kushida has been a disappointment to say the least. I watched her all these months but saw nothing that could lead me to believe that she has the same potential as I saw at the start of the year and I know the root of that problem. It's me, as long as I'm with her she will continue to rely on me without thinking or working on her own like a moth to a flame she pulls towards me without thinking or looking at anything around her. Our first year at this school is already coming to a close, a wasted year if I would say since I accomplished nothing that I wanted instead the peaceful life I searched for is no longer possible as my identity of being Class D's mastermind is exposed, my abilities are well known and no one in this school looks at me with disinterest anymore all because of that relay race that changed everyone's opinion of me. Despite all of this they still don't know me not the real me only you know that part of me but I have no need for someone who cannot keep up with my evolution, someone who needs me to hold their hand every step of the way is no different to me then a child or a pet and that isn't someone worthy of being called my partner in life. We rushed into our relationship to fast, we were childish and ended up mistaking dependency for love.

As I left that place and her behind I wondered if she could truly catch up to me.

Back to current time after the relay race:

I had beaten them both as I crossed the finish line a sense of accomplishment came over me since I had evolved into someone better than before and I could feel that happen right in front of my eyes.

The crowd was too stunned to speak after our little showing off display but then it suddenly irrupted into cheers and screams as people were shocked to see us perform on the same level as professional athletes.

My classmates came running towards me with many emotions seen on their faces all at once. Amongst the crowd was her coming towards me with a grin on her face but looking at her I had to admit I was a little disappointed since she didn't perform the way I expected her too, I know she was against people a year and two years above but after her statements I believed like me Kushida would have pushed herself to evolve and become better than before. It doesn't matter one failed attempt at evolution cannot determine a person's worth, I should just be happy that I have her by my side to celebrate this victory.

After the victory celebrations I headed back to my dormitory to rest for a while and try to forget about today's events but I realized now that by going all out in this race I have significantly reduced my chances of leading an ordinary life, I shouldn't have done that but the experience of being pushed against a wall is something that is key for me to further better myself and I need to use that for Kushida as well since she isn't being fully forced to evolve I need to come up with a situation that does force her to evolve.

As I was about to enter my room someone hugged me from behind.

"Guess who?"


"Har har you're hilarious. I'm going back now." Guess I pushed a nerve there maybe I shouldn't have joked like that.

"I'm joking calm down who else would it be except my cute girlfriend."

"You really think I'm cute? How cute exactly?"

"Well I believe the word cute was certainly invented for you and you alone my dear girlfriend."

"Hehe well I guess I'll let your shitty joke slide this time you charming boyfriend."

"So what are you doing here?" I was curious as to why she would be near my dorm room when girls aren't really allowed around boys dorms.

"Well I guess I wanted us to celebrate your amazing victory today by ourselves since we really didn't get a chance to be alone all day today."

"What an excellent idea you have just got ma'am I had this cake I bought yesterday that still needs to be eaten and I was wondering if you would help me with that while we watch a movie together?"

"Hmm let me think, well I guess so as long as you've got some candies as well and I get to pick which movie we watch ok?"

"As you wish ma'am now would you like to come inside before someone sees you here and we both get in trouble."

"Yes I would very much like to come inside"

And so I spent the remaining hours of the day with my girlfriend watching movies and eating candies and a cake together. I must say this wasn't a bad way to spend the day by any means in fact I quite enjoyed her company in my room.

Part 15 ends here:

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