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To begin this plan I need to start by voicing my opinion which I'm sure the rest of the class is also thinking right now, who should be our leader?

After Chabashira sensei explained the partner system to us she stepped outside of the class. I saw this chance to shoot a text to Horikita telling her of my plan, she was sceptical at first believing that making Kushida the class leader would doom me and her in the future as Horikita had realized by now that Kushida hates her a lot and I told her about what happened between me and her. I needed to tell her this in order for her to trust me more and follow through with my plan.

After our texting finished Horikita got up from her seat and took the center stage in our class.

"If I may can I have all of your attention towards me for a few minutes because we need to set a few things straight so if you don't mind can you please stay a little while after class Sudo, koenji and Ike." All three of them were leaving class immediately after it ended for different reasons, Sudo probably was leaving for basketball practice while Koenji was leaving because he had "better things" to do and I assume Ike was still upset regarding the whole situation between me and Kushida.

" I would first like to start by addressing the elephant in this room which is, who should be the leader of this class because we need a leader in order to pass this exam."

"Hirata should be the leader obviously" Hirata's girlfriend who I believe is called Kei karuizawa spoke up in support of him which many girls agreed with immediately.

" While I agree that Hirata should be considered highly regarding this position we can not limit our option to only him especially because the only part of the class which would become united under him are his group of fan girls and no one else."

As Horikita said this Hirata's fan club became enraged and started giving her dirty looks.

"So then tell us Horikita who do you think should be the leader of this class." Karuizawa spoke up again daring Horikita to find a more perfect human than Hirata.

" I believe it should be Kushida as she has the ability to unite the whole class under her not just one section of the entire class as I'm sure even you guys have no problem with her nor do any of the boys, Kushida is a force of pure good in our class, someone who only wants the betterment of this class but can also use her intellect to make the best possible decisions in the most intense moments without caring about personal feelings. So tell me how many others can say that they have the ability to do the same thing as Kushida please step forward right now." After Horikita's speech which I told her to make the result came out exactly as I expected, no one in the class could say a single thing to debunk Horikita's statement and Kushida herself was beyond shocked hearing this high praise from Horikita's mouth.

"I believe Kushida should lead our class with me and Hirata being their to support her and voicing our class opinions to her because I can handle the planning stages of this exam while Hirata can provide the best information of everyone's personal feelings regarding the partnering system and then we can leave it up to Kushida to make the best possible partnership between our classmates on her own judgment." I made sure to make Horikita say this last statement to ensure that Kushida does not try to pair me and horikita up with the worst type of partners possible since she will be blamed if any of us do bad on this exam.

"Wait a minute Horikita while I am honoured that you gave me such high praise I don't just want to force our classmates into making me the leader we should consider the class as a whole and everyone's feelings rather than a means to an end with this exam since we have many more exams like this to face in the future." Kushida could not handle all of this going on in front of her eyes and she finally stepped forward to oppose Horikita's movement but she could not do much at this point as she has to keep up her act of caring for her classmates and ultimately accept this situation.

" Well I don't mind if it's Kushida but why are you also one of our class leaders Horikita what exactly do you bring to this class?" karuizawa was the first one to speak in support of Kushida but she had a problem with Horikita having such a high position in the class as one of its leaders.

"Tell me Karuizawa what was your score on our special academic exam?" After Horikita asked her this Karuizawa turned red from embarrassment.

"Well what does it matter to you anyway what I got?"

"Because if you even bothered checking the list from the top you would find my name there, in fact you will continue to find my name at number one throughout our school year because no one in this class can compete against me when it comes to using your brain in any aspect." Horikita's words were harsh and made Karuizawa dead silent with hatred in her eyes but no one in the class could argue against them because it was true that Horikita was the smartest in our class and possibly the whole year.

"Ok ok that's enough you don't need to be that harsh when conveying your point Horikita and Kei you should know Horikita is the best we have when it come to strategy and planning so we need to rely on her to pass these exams. There is no point in not acknowledging talent just because that person is not your most favourite person to hang out with, we as a class should be lead by the best and I have no doubt in my mind that Horikita is among that. I am also fine with sticking to me role as the leader of our class if it leads to our betterment." As expected of Hirata he can somehow calm any situation down and resolve any conflict in our class with ease.

" Now if no one else has a problem we can declare these three our new class leaders then?" Keisei the second smartest in our class came forward to finish this issue. 

Now with this issue resolved I can finally imagine our class actually winning this exam, I just need to finish one more thing before our victory can be secured but that comes later.

Part 3 finishes here,

Let me know what you guys think and again leave your thoughts in the comments.

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